Sorry for the inactivity.. I have been busy with school.. don't worry, I haven't forgotten about PicCollage!💕💕


Sorry for the inactivity.. I have been busy with school.. don't worry, I haven't forgotten about PicCollage!💕💕

39 1
np! wanna collab sometime?
hello. pls look at our account -ANGELICGAMES- this is PicollageRieRie + ANGEL1C game account
teams have been posted
spring flower games have been posted 7 more days to enter!
I love this one!
thanks, I love your edits!
Beautiful collage!😻💐✨💕🌈🌿
2 more days to put in ure entry for spring flower games
spring flower games are up pls enter you will be eliminated if you don't enter by April 9
whoa. . . LOVE all the colors
pls retry u will be eliminated if not entered