Made this for a mega collab. blue watermelon- is putting it together. It’s all characters from WaterFireAcademy (rp).
◾️QOTD: Do you have a tumblr account?◾️


🔲Tap🔲 Made this for a mega collab. blue watermelon- is putting it together. It’s all characters from WaterFireAcademy (rp). ◾️QOTD: Do you have a tumblr account?◾️

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AOTD: Nope. 😆
AOTD: I don’t, but I want one!
a birthday party in London 😂🙌🏼at my fave Indian restaurant,,,,,orrr a birthday party where I drive aimlessly through the country with mah friends while listening to good music
honestly it would be ideal to be with the ppl that make me happy and I wouldn’t even care where att
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why tank ya❤️
I usually start with the line where the upper and bottom lip meet and then just draw the lips. Sorry for the briefness hehe
omg love this!!💕🌻
We MUST catch up!