Mangle x Springtrap I ship this and boom to foxy x Mangle or anything else that's Mangle x ? There a poop but Mangle x Springtrap is cute ps sorry if I hurt your feelings anyone


Mangle x Springtrap I ship this and boom to foxy x Mangle or anything else that's Mangle x ? There a poop but Mangle x Springtrap is cute ps sorry if I hurt your feelings anyone

6 0
Springtrap x Mangle is cute
............πŸ˜‘I kinda like it
what I was going to say was there all poop but Mangle x Springtrap is cute
you ship Springtrap x Freddy
Springtrap X golden Freddy
If I spam u it means I like loads of your posts (in this case) but usually it's just doing a lot of something :)
oh sorry dude I was at school and did you know that Springtrap and Golden Freddy and brothers
yeah but it's doesn't matter u have ur ships I have mine
I'm sorry
that's ok πŸ‘
and your right I have my ships and you have yours🐺🐰