So, the collage I made with the flaming 100 is sorta broke, so just tap it once or twice and it should start working.


T-A-P So, the collage I made with the flaming 100 is sorta broke, so just tap it once or twice and it should start working.

15 0
Oh, that's cool! Do you live in Canada?
ok so reading-raindrops I just wanted to say that I'm in your Games and so is my sister -DANCINGDESTINY- Well I was doing your games and she was next to me and she literally started copying what I was searching up so that's why it looks like I copied her but she copied me don't tell her I said this that's why I went to one of your oldest collages. Thank u I hope it didn't look like I was being selfish or anything๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”