He’s changed so much and my love for him has grown~!
For those who noticed I’m following 666 people, have a cookie: 🍪
Uhh I probably won’t have anything to post when I get back home so would anyone like to see my manga shelf and my POP! figures? lol


🍪Tap🍪 He’s changed so much and my love for him has grown~! For those who noticed I’m following 666 people, have a cookie: 🍪 Uhh I probably won’t have anything to post when I get back home so would anyone like to see my manga shelf and my POP! figures? lol

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Caption continued: lolol
congrats on the 666 😂😆
looks amazing in all of them!
re: awe that sucks, that’s how one of my exes treated me too, he used me to look popular and he just wanted a gf so he pretended to like me
wowie, much improvement!
Thank you! ☺️ I like Skye. It’s unique!
Dayum I seE the liGHT
re: yeah that’s real suspicious
ok but look at that improvement dang
@caption yeah!!! sounds cool!!! and isn’t it so satisfying to see your improvement???
I also think you should try more digital art (not that pen and paper isn’t okay, I still like it a whole freaking lot!!!) it’s just cool to try new things, plus I suck at digital art, and I would like to see someone else’s instead...
lol nope I ain’t ever ok 😂😫
I went to the pool and had to wear shOwY thiNGs
yeah, I actually wore a huge gym shirt that went down to my knees, so I felt a bit safer
I also got a hair cut yesterday, so it’s really weird now 😫
One time I yawned cos I wasn’t breathing, then I got in trouble with my teacher since it was “Disrespectful”
I have a phobia of men, I freak out if I make stranger even looks at me, so my parents don’t judge me aS much, but they still do.
Ok, so in sixth grade I had this teacher, I’ll call her Prego-Mego. So Prego-Mego told me some directions since I made a mistake on a factor in a group project. I said thank you, walked over to my table, and normally said...”We have to (blah blah blah Math stuff)”
Then Prego-Mego freaks out at me, “YOU ARE MOCKING ME OH MY GOD DETENTION” (Note that this was the last week of school.) So I got a detention slip, but since it was so late in the year no detention sessions were being held. SO PREGo-MEGO GOT WHAT WAS COMING TO HER OH MY GOD I HAVE NEVER FELT MORE RIGHTEOUS
(Good night! talk to you soon!)