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So lately I've been getting some... thoughts in my head. Sometimes they're out of nowhere and most of the time I can't control them. They're not audible voices but close to that. I also had this two encounters... 1) I was in my room, on my iPad late at night when I heard footsteps. I quickly put my iPad down and began to fake asleep. The footsteps got closer and I opened my eyes and looked out the door to see who it may be. My sister walked to my room, stepped inside, looked right into my eyes (not saying anything) then walked to the bathroom. I heard nothing, not even the toilet flushing or even the footsteps back. I was up for like an hour after that and I heard no footsteps... it definitely WASN'T my sister. 2) I was in my room, laying on my side on my iPad and I couldn't see over the pile of blankets the doorway of my room. I heard footsteps come into my room and I could tell out of the corner of my eye someone was actually standing there. I was like "Need something?" And no reply. I waited like 5 minutes then looked over and no one was there. I heard that my mom is actually across the house... So my boyfriend and I were going through the devotional book Bøndage Breaker and it said how this is dëmonic activity and so we're going through the book, learning how I can stop it. Praying together and everything. I'm so blessed to have him in my life and it'd be amazing if you guys could pray for me! (I'm so sorry this was long but I thought I should tell you)
OMG that sound creepy 😁 but glad your back Gerri 💕
that's scary :( I hope you're okay Gerri💕✨ I love you and if you need anything I'm right here just talk to me