Collage by noahalleg123


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screw u 😂 I hated this pic
love u 😂
r u gonna go to dads after school?
just stressed
what a loser
I don’t have my phone for two weeks and I had sùx and my mom found out and now I feel I lost my whole family and friends
noah make me shut up oh wait u can’t 😁😂
fûck nut?
learn to spell 1st and then we’ll talk about ur ‘sister’
she’s making fun of me for being disabled is that funny to you
I’m in a wheelchair
also I don’t need to try to make a fool of her, she has already made a fool of herself
are u even related to her?
“half” lmfàö learn to spell
oh so just bc this is pc that means u can spell things wrong?
and stop acting like ur 3
I don’t listen to fake sisters🙄
get a life
*air quotes* “sister” why are you cussing?đŸ€”đŸ€­
but it’s not privacy invasion it’s just my opinions! I’m not even saying anything I was just telling people to unfollow me
what are u trying to do? call me the n word?
and being a lil piece of ƛhït?
also fyi lots of ppl go on this everyday
don’t know any of the words you are saying can you speak English dudeeee?!
also ur bio... I don’t think we would want to know that, so keep it to ur self thanks
also I don’t like dumb dudes like u who just tries to make it look like ur cuteđŸ€­đŸ˜§đŸ€”đŸ˜¶đŸ„¶
if my mum was here she would say ‘these ppl have such a low vocabulary that they need to use swear words!’
“movie” lmfàö
is that an excuse?
u ain’t even good looking enough to get a role of the dog in a movie
id even know who would like you
also if my mom was here she would think that you should buy a dictionary !
^^ so true
at least a fifth grader would know something that is useful in the future like “dictionary”
go away
are u copying and pasting the same thing you say to me to everyone! at least u know how to copy and paste đŸ˜Ș