he's given me little forehead kisses and last night I kissed him on the cheek and we're probably getting close to our first real kiss and I'm nERVOUS because neither of us have kissed before and I don't want to do it wrong


he's given me little forehead kisses and last night I kissed him on the cheek and we're probably getting close to our first real kiss and I'm nERVOUS because neither of us have kissed before and I don't want to do it wrong

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see i was nervous because i hadn’t kissed before and James had so i was scared i’d be bad and he’d be able to tell but he says i’ve been a natural at it since our first kiss so 🤷‍♀️😂 my advice would be that your mouth kinda forms the shape as if you were saying the word “you”, just much slower
^ ooo that’s a good way to put it