Collage by just-theese-girlies


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well you’re pretty too! so what’s up??
hey you still on??
I’ll see you later!!
bye bye beautiful! πŸ’•
that’s great! what do you want to talk about?
hey cutie!!!
whatcha up too?
awww hey better soon! I’m watching a movie
noooo we were just talking.
you *smiles*
all good things I promise *laughs* now do you need anything?
you’re sick!! and thank you. you’re all I need
you’re so sweet. I’m glad I met you. πŸ’• πŸ’œ
maybe when your not sick I can kiss you
hahaha that’s okay!
I know 😊❀️
you know what, I don’t care if your sick!! *kisses you*
I love you too!! πŸ’•
let me think about it. okay?