Better go Follow her!


Better go Follow her!

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Thanks fun-life
But I have to earn a fan page
You did earn it!I am a trueee Fan of you!
I’m sorry for wasting your time, but just turn this into a backup for yourself
I feel bad for wasting your time but it’s what I want
Noo!You are not wasting my time!Trust me!!!❤️❤️
Okay I guess, thanks again!
Sure, what’s wrong?
Well the thinggggg is that...
Is that...?
Worst you could say is ‘I hate you’ and even then I honestly wouldn’t care
you can tell me
It’s you?
I already thought that was a possibility
So it doesn’t matter to me
Well then
What’s the thing you want me to know?
The hatepage deleted their acc!!❤️❤️Wooohooooo!!❤️❤️Yayya
That’s good!
Thanks again for the fan page, fun-life!
I’ll shout you out double in my bio
And make a collage
Your Welxome!
Aww thank you sooo much!❤️❤️