Collage by JOXZY


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what phone do you have?
do you..........have a...............GFR?
no 7
do u have da gfr
do you understand whats a.....GRF?
is girlfriend!
do you have one?
u're the one in the profile picture of powerdriven?
sorry am lost
that’s me on the profile ya
First I don’t want u to get the wrong idea from this it’s totally ok to be gay but I think u think am a boy and am a girl
❤️this heart is because i love putting that no because i love u!!!
can you show me a photo of you in remixes please!!! and i show u too!
ok but can I ask why because u don’t even know my name and I don’t really know who u r
i'm Claudia ok! thats my real name💖
now look to the remixes and look at me!!!
but u're so cool!
but u're powerdriven?