ya like JaZz?


ya like JaZz?

19 1
oooh I’m a captain?
omggg I’m lovin it 😂
I’ve never been a captain
I feel honored
I’m watching the and eating a cinnamon roll lol
tv **
what about you?
it’s a show called the circle , it’s on Netflix
me tooo, they are soo good I haven’t had one in a minute
it’s kinda cringey but also pretty good lmaoo
I have a few episodes left
factsss they are delicious
miss u
love you
hey im lea
bay-ler come back :)
baylerrr omgg I missed you !! 🥺
I’m doing okay
come back :p
heyo I miss you
holy emojis lmaoo what’s up bayyler
bayler! I think I’m gonna leave
it’s been so long
oh my goshhh
hey !
what’s up ?! how are you ?
oooh that sounds good ! did you graduate ? have fun tho !!
good good ! that’s what we like to hear !
I’ve been doing good :) I’m trying to get a job and it’s such a struggle lmaoo
hey I am Alicia