If someone would be willing to talk to me I really need some help


If someone would be willing to talk to me I really need some help

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I’m really out of it rn bc ive taken my night meds but I would love totalk with you in the morning when this fades off, I don’t know what time you posted this but I hope you’ll be okay tonight :(((
I’ll hyu when I’m no longer loopy but inhopensomeone else on here could talk with you rn
I’d be s*** to understand thingsnrn but if no one on here is able to talk quick then there’s this good text line where you can talk about anything in your crisis andntjeyre super helpful, it’s 741-741 and you text Hello to that for someone to talk to you
hey are you doing okay???
I love you :(
I’m so sorry I didn’t remember this when I woke up and I only did when I went back through the posts, those meds really make me loopy and forgetful I’m so sorry I didn’t text you again yesterday morning
You wouldnt bore me at all! Don’t ever worry about that. I’m sorry I’ve been off on here quite a bit but I would love to listen. What do you mean someone called safe2tell on you?¿
oh I looked that up :((( did anything happen or is everything still okay ?? 😓
omg I’m so sorry 😭😭 That’s awful
I hate that they did that; are you otherwise doing okay? Have you had a pretty bad ED relapse? (again I’m so sorry these past few days have been crazy busy but I don’t want you to think I’m ignoring you I’ve just been out of town with my family doing stuff and tomorrow I’ll be trying on dresses but I know I’ll at least be on here in the evening)
I’m sorry, I’m better now but thank you so much. I kinda have to wait for things to pass but then I’m a lot better after. but are you doing any better?? I don’t exactly know what’s going on other than that śhîttÿ person who called safe2tell on you but I hope things are better
I know I’m late, but I’m always here if you need to talk xx stay strong♥️
agh tyyyy❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤
oh cool thx
re: wait really? that's pretty cool
I’m here if you need to talk