DUE: Unknown!


DUE: Unknown!

6 1
My memory will be something to do with a journalism camp at WashU or my grandmother's / cousins' houses. ❀️ Do you guys have some memories in mind?
My first time waving a sparkler was this year too...
My memory will be going to London ✈️ or reading with my cousin πŸ“šπŸ˜Š
My memory would be be riding every roller coaster at Six Flags for the first time β€ΌοΈπŸŽ’πŸ˜Š
I'm thinking of maybe a scrapbook and we can fill up two blank pages with our memories πŸ’­πŸ“–πŸ–‡
Totally agree! πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸŽ€
Great idea! πŸ‘β€οΈ So, you're starting, Arteest?
Uh oh! Just checked out teamsalami. Turns out they just started a scrapbook entry 😭
Do you still think we should do it or would it seem like copying
I'm cool with it if you still want to do it πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ’• Though maybe we should think of more options? Maybe we could do like a list and add the pictures? I don't know, tell me what you think πŸ™ˆ
Also, will we be using our own photos or should we look up for some? πŸ€”πŸŽ€
I don't have many good photos of my own. The sub idea probably wouldn't seem like copying; ours would look very different and anyone can see that the idea hatched 17 hours ago, not 14, from these comments. ❀️ As for other options; we could make a cloudy collage with more hazy photos; bc that's how memories usually are. I was thinking of using a snap of some texts... we could each include something like that as a prompt of thought. πŸ€” Nah, probably one of your ideas. πŸ˜‚
**sb, not subπŸ™„
this event is due tomorrow! we'll figure something out πŸ™†πŸ½ there's still FindingFlowers to share an opinion yet πŸ’¦ I love Hannah's idea 😍
Which one? I shall go and summon FindingFlowers.❀️
I love Hannah's idea a lot! πŸ˜πŸ™ˆ Also, FindingFlowers hasn't said anything at all yet, so I think we should improvise for her for now and see if she'll be online any time πŸ‘€
Okay. Here are mine: Reading. Listening to music. Traveling w/ my family/friends.πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
+art class and walking with my family.🌸
I do have some photos that we could maybe use. If you all would like, I can put them in the remixes. Sorry for taking so long, the first half of my day was booked.😁
I'm going to put the photos in. Also, I love the ideas here!
We have to choose one then, which idea will be use? I like the scrapbook one as well as the cloudy +pictures one 😌 what about you?? πŸ‘€βœ¨
I love both ideas. I'm not sure how we'll make the cloud one using only PC, but I'm sure we can do it.
**a fog of indecision surrounds our protagonists, lying in wait for someone to proclaim a definitive answer**