1. should i make a twitter account? 2. im going to miss my best friend even tho he’s a jerk sometimes 3. i got some plants and crystals today :)


1. should i make a twitter account? 2. im going to miss my best friend even tho he’s a jerk sometimes 3. i got some plants and crystals today :)

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expanding on part of the caption, he literally mâ dê ôût with me in a practice room on friday (aka we could’ve gotten caught super easily), and then later that day was super passive. like he was sweet at the time, but when i was texting him in class while he was at home (he has early out), he was being different and less enthusiastic than usual so. it’s weird cause him and i do pg-13 stuff for eachother like that all the time, but we haven’t actually kissed in forever. i’m gonna miss this man fr tho
he’s one of the most confusing people i’ve ever met, which is weird, because mine and his personalities are super similar, so you’d think i’d be able to read him
you should go for the twitter account! I’m sorry things are confusing w your friend :(
omg yes Twitter is crackhead energy but amazing and aahhhh yeah i’m sorry about him :/
hiya how are you