I want someone to call my best friend. I want to mean it when I say "best friend" I don't want to be that girl who calls every single person her "best friend" it doesn't work like that. Best friends stick together!
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I want someone to call my best friend. I want to mean it when I say "best friend" I don't want to be that girl who calls every single person her "best friend" it doesn't work like that. Best friends stick together! (Continued in comments) Cattitude0114

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Best friends never give up on each other. Best friends help each other out in times of need. I want one best friend. I want someone who won't leave me when I'm in pain. I want someone who will listen to me and help me. I want someone who will understand how I think and talk. Most of all, I want someone who I can physically go to everyday, and give them a hug just for being my best friend.
I know how you feel, I haven't had a best friend in so long... :/💕you'll find someone someday😌💕
it's np!😊💕