This will probably fail.


This will probably fail.

9 11
ayeeee I’m first
Andrew and addie walked around
(lol forgot my characters names 😂)
Lyra walked around trying to avoid all eye contact. She finds a bench towards the back and sits down.
Andrew// “you know we should go talk to some people right //Addie// she laughed and nudges him” you trying to get rid of your little sis”
Lyra put in her headphone, not AirPods because she’s broke, and blasts her music.
Lyra didn’t want to talk so she started scooting away from Mason.
addie looked at Andrew “fine I see how it is” as she laughed, waved goodbye and ran over to alex “hey” she said
oh hey
Hey, I’ll be on later
oh hello
Seph stood on the boat awkwardly
Andrew rolled his eyes at addie and walked over to seph”hey” he said
“Hola,” Seph said. She grinned at Andrew.
addie raised her eyebrow “you seem stressed...?”
Andrew smiled “I’m Andrew and you’re...”
Lyra wasn’t listening. She continued to inch closer and closer to the other side of the bench before she eventually fell on the ground.
addie laughed “you know ima be a great change for you” she grabbed her wrist “common let’s go have some fun” she said always being adventurous
I am the Globglogabgalab
lol it’s funny to read
Lyra still had her music blasting in her headphones and walk away from Mason.
the key to having social characters is to make them unsocial
addie laughed and slowly took away the wipes “how about swimming the boat doesn’t leave for a little bit”
it works 100%
if it doesn’t, you get your money back
I have no idea what you’re saying😂
Lyra walked into the inside part of the boat.
in America boiiii is boy, gurrrrllll is girl ummm...
addie laughed “great I’ll see you ima few. by the way I’m addie” she said
I shall google American slang words
Lyra has enough of him. “Will you leave me alone?” She yells at him. “Take your koalas and go back to Australia!” She slams the bathroom door and locks it.
I’m googling American slang and I actually don’t know most of it😂 I think I’m too young for it😂
Naomi picked a yellow flower from her hair and tossed it into the water, watching the petals fall off, leaving a trail as the stem slowly sank beneath the waves. (yes Ik it wouldn’t actually sink but shhhh)
wHaTs DrOnGo AnD LeGLeSs
stupid Australian slang😂
Kayla watched Naomi throw her flowers into the water and slightly—SLIGHTLY—the corner of her mouth stretched into a half-smile knowing there was something as broken as she was.
I like don’t know any American slang
hey at least we don’t use bad words for slang
Lyra was angry at Mason and she didn’t even know him.
I’m an Aussie
I know a lot of slang that isn’t bad words tho
In America it’s like every other word is a cuss word
I’m just going to comment a bunch of slang that google shows me that I actually know
**hip **hyped **sPiLL tHe BeAnS
um I’m all out
what about...
tHaTs WiCkEd
American slang is boring
sPiLL tHe TeAaAAAaAaa
Kayla smirked at Mason.
Lyra opened the door a little to see if the coast was clear. She saw Mason with his back turned to her and she quickly, but quietly, made her way to the door.
“...and? you probably don’t want to be around me,” Kayla said glancing at her tattoo.
Lyra ran outside onto the deck of the boat. She wiped the small bit of sweat off of her forehead from her exercise.
hey sorry I am back
yo wassup mah homie
nothin’ much mah homie
that’s gucci
that’s enough slang for today
erm wut
very Gucci
Seph stood on the deck and hummed some cool songs
Kayla studied him. “Don’t get attached. You’ll be gone in less than a week, mate,” Kayla finally said and turned her attention back to the water.
Lyra put her headphone in and listened her music that she was so rudely interrupted from by Aussie boy.
Merrin sat quietly on the deck next to his sister.
It’s Aussie boy for us Americans!
hey :)
bloke looks British
“Hola,” Seph said, turning to Alex.
Merrin stayed silent.
bloke is aus
or New Zea
it’s New Zealand for us Americans
Uh yeah sure
“Look. Just leave me alone, mate. Most of you blokes leave after a few days. Only the drongos stay, and they’re usually killed off eventually.”
okay it says British but we say it in Aussie
“Persephone. Seph. This is my brother Merrin.” She poked Merrin’s head. He waved to Alex.
Titus was on the deck, peering over the edge looking at the water. Titus leaned forward, close to falling, but firmly held onto the railings, hoping he could remember this too pAiNt it later.
Lyra leans her head against the window that’s behind the bench and drums her fingers on her leg.
Cyra paced around the boat, she hated boats by all means. From pacing too much, she walked straight into a wall.
I have no idea what that means ChLoE
Lyra opened her eyes and looked out at the water. She felt like she was in a music video.
Seph decided not to question it. Merrin stares at Alex. “What have you done,” he said quietly.
there needs to be a question mark there oops
“Just let me be. I’m already tortured enough,” Kayla said.
Kayla said quietly^^
Merrin noddEd, still staring at her. “Lovely.” Seph felt like falling over the railing for some reason.
Lyra kicked her shoes up and sat in a more comfortable position on the bench.
off not up
Naomi was watching Kayla and Mason’s convo, and looked away once Kayla turned back to the water.
I gtg sry
bye :(
Titus decided to be a bit more daring, and leaned under the railing, so he was on the outside of the boat, no railings to protect him if he fell. He smiled, “yES. now thIS IS WHaT I came for,” he said to himself, as he admired the rushing water beneath him.
awh bYE
Seph leaned over the railing. She stared down at the water.
Lyra got up from her seat and leaned up against the railing.
my dog is laying on my arm oof
addie roles her eyes when alex sat down again and walked over to Titus “finally someone who wants to do something fun”
Andrew uh walked..?
Merrin stares at the floor
Lyra smiles slightly and closes her eyes. She loves the ocean.
Seph let her weight rest on the railing and just sort of awkwardly draped herself over the rail.
Andrew I guess walked 😂
Seph watched the churning ocean.
Merrin stares at the floor.
Titus turned to addie, gripping the rail. He gave a lopsided grin, “Well, I’m sure if someone caught me, I’d be expelled.” Titus shrugged, he glanced and saw Seph doing something similar to him, “Guess I live on the edge of things,” Titus laughed, his grip on the railing loosened
Cyra glared at the wall, she finally ended up in the ships kitchen. She looked in the fridge, “Horrible, terrible.” she said, commenting on each food she saw.
addie laughed “care if I have the pleasure of possibly getting expelled with you?”
Seph thought about how iguanas can stay underwater for 28 minutes.
Lyra swayed gently in the wind.
Merrin laughed quietly.
Seph wondered why people had tested how long iguanas could stay underwater.
“Your choice, but it would be fun to have someone get expelled alongside me.” Titus laughed, as he faced the ocean again. “I wonder what the schools like, in fact what the people are like. I’m Titus, you?”
Merrin stopped laughing. “Thawwy,” He said through the wipe. “I’m germy.”
Seph thought about iguanas and then realized she was going to fall over the railing. She sighed.
Lyra pulled the navy and white scrunchie out of her hair and let the wind flow through it. She hummed softly to her music and drummed her fingers on the railing to the beat.
Cyra opened a cabinet, and shrieked. She saw a sawed off arm in there. “gUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS COME.”
Merrin stares at where the bag fell. He spit out his wipe. “Oof,” He said quietly.
Seph tensed and ran toward Cyra’s voice instinctively.
autocorrect and I have a strange relationship.
Seph stares at the arm. “Uh...”
Lyra couldn’t hear anything and stayed at the back of the boat.
Merrin sat there.
are you a sheep?
Cyra breathed in and out, hoping to calm herself down. “the arm, is there.”
Seph noddEd. “That is definitely an arm.”
Lyra sat down and slid her legs through the bars of the railing so she could dangle them off the edge.
Seph noddEd again. She looked closer at the arm. “I think it’s fresh,” she said.
Lyra turned around and accidentally whipped Mason with her hair, but she wasn’t sorry.
I wanna make another character
do it
but I don’t know who
any suggestions?
maybe another boy?
Seph frowned and picked the arm up off her shoe. She sniffed it. “Very fresh,” she confirmed, setting it back on the shelf.
Ben? Leo? Peyton? Alton?
which one haven’t you used in a while? us that one
uh I haven’t used Peyton in a while
I’ll use him hold on
got him
Peyton faceplanted onto the boat.
Lyra was annoyed by the Aussie kid.
Seph stared at the fresh arm. “Well is there anyone missing an arm?”
I think my hand is dying
Peyton wonders why he signed up for this.
Lyra feels water splash up on her toes.
Peyton gets up and walks around
Lyra looks out at the water.
Seph pokes the arm. It’s squishy.
Lyra puts her hair back up in a ponytail with her scrunchie.
Peyton finds a granola bar and eats it.
Lyra grips the railing
omg so much is happening and I can’t keep track StOp
literally nothing
yeah actually nothing we just chillin
rping by ourselves
uh huh
Lyra skipped to her favorite song on her playlist and started singing it softly.
Peyton fell in love with his granola bar.
Seph frowned. “We all have both our arms, right?”
Lyra saw a dolphin in the distance and smiled.
“Good,” she said. “Then I wonder who doesn’t.”
Lyra screamed and one of her flip flops fell off the boat into the water. Lyra glared at Mason. “Now look what you did!”
Peyton accidentally killed the granola bar. He mourned.
Seph raised her eyebrows. “Oh. Hello, sir.” She moves his leg with her foot.
“WAiT...If that’s Captain Smith...who’s steering the ship?” Seph looked at Alex.
Merrin has an existential crisis
Lyra looked at him like crazy. “Thongs? I don’t need a thong!”
Seph frowned. “I think we should see.”
“What?” Lyra raises an eyebrow. “that was my flip flop not my underwear.”
hahaha lAnGuAge barriers
Seph noddEd and ran toward the captain’s spot thing.
Lyra took off her remaking flip flop and waved it around. “flip flop! thongs are underwear not footwear!”
Peyton wAtChEd Lyra and Mason. “I ship it,” he whispered.
Myra flongs
Peyton smiled mischievously
Merrin moaned loudly.
“do you want to see a thong?” Lyra asks and puts fingers on the waist of her shorts.
Seph threw open the door. “Uh oh.”
this 2000s playlist I’m listening to is great. it’s bringing back some awesome memories
Peyton rolled away across the floor, laughing mischievously.
oh boy
“good because I’m wearing normal underwear not a thong.” Lyra says.
Seph noddEd. “Do you know how to steer a ship?”
Merrin wandered up to where Seph and Alex were. “What’s going on?”
“You are so stop! You Australians are so inappropriate.” Lyra puts her hands on her hips.
Seph looked down. “Oh dear. Well, I guess we can try.” She stepped in. Merrin followed.
Peyton rolled by Mason and Lyra, still giggling
Lyra kicked her remaining fLiP fLoP at Peyton.
Peyton rolled away with the flip flops.
flip flop. singular.
yes of course. unless you jumped into the water to retrieve the other
Merrin was confused.
Peyton wAtChEd.
Hayden exsisted.
“oh my god.” Lyra threw her arms in the air. She quickly grabbed her phone and searched thong and all the pictures were of American thongs. “See!” Lyra pushed the phone in his face.
Seph day in the chair thing. “So. Many. BUTTONS.” She looks around frantically.
hey 👋
Lyra took a long look at the pictures. “You Australians are crazy, naming shoes after American underwear.”
Merrin dances to the music.
Seph presses a different button and there was a very loud bang.
Seph shrugs. “I have no idea. He’s weird.”
Merrin grins at Alex.
Seph shrugs and presses more buttons
Lyra looked down at her bare feet. “Now I don’t have shoes. Thanks a lot.”
oh this is where everyone is...
Merrin keeps dancing. He does a pirouette.
Hayden sat down so where. she curled up and rocked back and forth. she hated boats.
Peyton rolled around on the floor.
“yes it is, it totally is!” Lyra yelled at him. “you’re the one who scared me!”
Merrin threw a tulip at Alex as he danced.
baguette spaguette
Merrin stopped dancing and sat on the floor. “Sorry.”
“Stop yelling at me then!” Lyra yelled back.
is anyone approachable?
Peyton whispered, “I ship it,” at Myra while watching from a window.
I’ve got cyra & titus
Peyton is or you can join Merrin and Seph and Alex
where they be?
“yOu AnGeR mE!” Lyra screamed.
wear that flong
Merrin grinned and watched Seph, wHo was frantically pressing buttons
2000s music is the best
“YoU aRe An iDiOt!” Lyra pushes him backwards.
oh yes
Hayden heard yelling and decided to watch from a window. “What is happening there?” she asks Peyton.
mY cHArCtEr is the bEst
jk I’m lazy and feel like yeet omg her through a window
“sHiPs cOMiNg tO LiFe,” Peyton said. “Also they’re arguing about flip flops.L
me too bro
Hayden nods. “I ship it. Why flip flops?”
Merrin nods. “I guess. I’m not great at it, though,” he says, laughing.
Vivian Parker stumbled in
Lyra fell on her face leaving a weirdly shaped bruise on her forehead. “YoU DiD nOt JuSt Do ThAt!” Lyra grabbed his ankle and pulled him down to the ground.
is she related to peter Parker? maybe
I ship flongs
it is
Hayden claps. “This is very interesting. Way more interesting than my life anyways.” she Laughs.
“Well, you see, the dude is Australian and there they call them thongs. Also, the gal lost her flip flops,” he said, holding up her flip flop.
“Probably not,” Merrin said, “But I sleepwalk, so who knows?”
okay well imma go watch YouTube byeee
Lyra stuck get FLIP FLOPless feet in front of his nose.
“Thongs? that’s the weirdest name ever for shoes. and if she lost them, why don’t you give it back to her.” Hayden says.
her not get
“The other one fell into the water,” Peyton said. “And she threw this one at me.”
“Nope,” Merrin said, shrugging.
Hayden Laughs. “Well then. that explains it. I’m Hayden, by the way.” she holds out her hand to shake his.
“stop kicking me you kangaroo!” Lyra kicked his shin.
Peyton shakes her hand. “Peyton. Lovely to meet you.”
oof mines at 4%
but I’m listening to music ugh
Merrin shrugs again. “I have neutral feelings toward arms. I don’t hate them, but I don’t love them.”
“a water buffalo? Really? Those are from Asia!” Lyra pushes him back to the ground.
“Most likely not,” Merrin answered. “Why, are you?”
brb gotta go search for my other headphones so I can actually listen to music and charge my phone at the same time
Hayden smiles. “You too. So Peyton, hows your boat ride been so far? other than having a flip flop chucked at you of course.”
“Good. I faceplanted. I rolled around on the floor. It’s been wonderful.
Merrin noddEd. “Ah, of course.” He grinned.
Aha I think I can use the charger now
I found them!
“you need to stop!” Lyra wrestled with him.
“Ok then. I’ve pretty much been willing myself to not get sick this entire time. but don’t worry, I’m good now.” Hayden says.
“you get off me! you’re the on top of me!” Lyra screams trying to push his body off of hers.
“and you’re not?” Lyra turned away from him and crossed her arms.
Lyras the best at making friends
Lyra got up and walked away.
this playlist is actually the best
except I’m skipping like 50% of the songs
aLL bY mYsELf
lol, noooo
Hayden now wandered. she was huuuummmmaaaannn I think.
Lyra was very annoyed by the Aussie boy.
i would be tooo
Hayden felt nauseous again. “Ugh. don’t throw up. don’t throw up. don’t throw up.” she chanted to herself.
Lyra walked to the opposite side of the boat.
Hayden threw up over the side of the boat. she curled up on the floor and closed her eyes, trying to stop feeling nauseous.
Lyra sat down against the wall.
LoL Hayden and Lyra aren’t interacting at all.
Hayden slowly stood up and gulped, breathing heavily. she walked/crawled to the other side of the boat. idk why.
his name is rockahhh
fling flongs
Lyra plops herself down on the deck at the front of the boat.
Lyra blasted her music again.
Hayden existed.
Hayden jumped at the sudden yelling she heard from the other side. she walked over quickly. “What is with you two and yelling?!” she asks.
“this boy is crazy!” Lyra thought to herself. “What am I doing that’s impolite?” Lyra narrowed her eyes at him.
Hayden was annoyed at them both. “Hello? can you hear me? stop yelling.” she says again.
“well I’m sooo sorry if my aMeRiCaN music is bothering you!” Lyra turns it up louder.
Hayden sits down to watch, BeCuAsE clearly they aren’t going to listen.
“Leave me alone you Koala. Go back to the zoo where you belong.” Lyra shooed him away.
Hayden kept cringing at the yelling. it was very loud.
“Because I can.” Lyra huffed.
Kayla considered jumping off the boat. She studied the dark waves and decided not to. She couldn’t go back.
Naomi sank down until she was sitting in the floor of the boat staring at the waves. She picked a flower from her hair. “Die... don’t die... die... don’t die...” she mumbled picking off the petals and letting them go.
“You suck at this.” Lyra said seriously, but on the inside she was trying not to laugh.
Kayla looked at Alex, confused and sassy. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
lyson. I ship it.
Hayden ate imaginary popcorn and watched them. she was glad they weren’t yelling anymore.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kayla repeated, getting frustrated.
I gtg sry bye
“I mean the arm thing, you drongo,” she said.
AuSSiE sLaNg
and awww byyyeeee
“Run along now.” Lyra pushes him away from her. “you’re probably poisonous.”
Hayden Laughs. they were funny.
Hayden laughed. “Watching those two fight over flongs.” she points to mason and Lyra.
“jealous of what? That you have Vegemite?” Lyra questions.
AcK. VeGeMiTe iS DiSgUsTiNg.
it looks really oily
“exactly, I’m not jealous at all.” Lyra but her headphones in and listened to This is America.
I just use butter
Hayden coughed. “Ugh.....Do I have the right to remain silent?” she asks.
BuTtEr iS BeTtEr
Lyra pusher him hoping he would fall over the railing and into the ocean. She turned up her music louder. She didn’t like the song This is America, but she was playing it anyways.
Lyra so mean omg
Lyra shrugged and walked away.
I ship this wow😂
Hayden sighed. “arson. 3 or 4 years ago. that’s it.” she says stiffly.
AMAZiN ship.
hey doods
“I can’t hear you!” Gemma yelled standing directly in front of him with her back towards him.
I prolly won’t stay for long but I be here so YEET
Peyton sat in a somewhere
Hayden crosses her arms. “Why?! it’s been 4 years!”
oh okay
memma just had their first kiss on elements
you meant Lyra right eMiLy?
“FiNe” Lyra rolled her eyes. She turned around and pulled him over the railing. “gosh, I thought you Australians were supposed to be super buff.”
wE kNoW eMiLY
Hayden sighed. “A warehouse in new jersey. BeCuAsE I was angry and it was my dads. filled with stuff he was shipping. I didn’t do anything illegal recently. ok?!”
Peyton rolled around on the floor.
Seph perched in the highest spot she could find.
and Merrin sang about grapefruit
Lyra walked away into the boat cabin.
I love grapefruit songs
Hayden scowls. “No. It was empty. I’m not a killer ok?”
“Did you guys kill a man?” Lyra asked slowly as she saw people surround an armless body.
just killed a chicken
put it in the oven
took it out half past 6
“I’m done here ok?” Hayden says, standing up.
“you did kill the man!” Lyra accuses them. She ran out onto the deck of the boat and put on a life jacket. “Come on Aussie Boy, we gotta go! There’s murderers on this boat!” Lyra threw a life jacket at his head.
Peyton wondered what his friend Ben was doing right now.
Seph pondered what would happen if she jumped into the water
Lyra pulled off her romper to reveal a bathing suit underneath. She sat on the top of the railing. “Are you coming?”
“Just jump over it you wimp!” Lyra yelled at him.
hang on? does Lyra think Hayden killed the man?
i is confuzzled.
she thinks everyone killed the man
Lyra jumped in after him.
Seph stares right back at Alex.
honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought Seph killed him bc she sorta smelled a disembodied arm and told her it was “fresh”
Seph continued staring because she is weird.
Hayden shook her head. “I didn’t kill anyone!” she yelled over the railing to Lyra.
Peyton rolled around like a sociopath
Seph blinked four times.
Lyra swam ahead of Mason.
“I’m not even trying!” Lyra yelled back at him.
Hayden was getting creeped out by Seph and Alex’s staring contest.
“do you know how to surf, Aussie Boy?” Lyra asks.
Peyton wAtChEd Seph and Alex from behind Hayden. He was confused. // Merrin, on the other hand, continued singing about grapefruit.
there’s more kangaroos than people in Australia? or did you make that up?
“of course you do.” Lyra mumbled. “But guess what? I do too!” She swam ahead of him.
who knows. sheep or kanga’s.
There’s no official language in the US. I could be speaking English, American, Canadian, or Australian and you wouldn’t know
Lyra pushes his head under the water. “You are so rude!”
“GoOd!” Lyra yelled in middlecase.
Hayden laughed at Lyra and mason. “you guys are the cutest couple!” she yells at them.
There’s an official Rock Paper Scissors league in the US
I’m the team captain of my schools varsity Rock Paper Scissors team
yeah I tried out for captain but some other dude got it
WhOoP WhOoP!
I just belted out the lyrics to Love Story it was great
oops sorry
I’m the best in the league
Hayden smiles and yells again. “What do you mean? your are couple goals my friend.”
Lyra sat on his head and dunked it under the water again. “That is the grosses thing you could have ever said!” Lyra yelled at Hayden. It was at this moment she realized they were swimming circles around the boat.
Peyton laughed. “I ship it,” he said, standing behind Hayden.
I have another great idea
what is it?
Hayden Laughs. “Don’t be Such a downer. FLONG! You guys are adorable!” she teases, enjoying their reactions.
I should use the lyrics from Love Story (because it’s an awesome song) to write a book :))))
Hayden whips around. “Dude. you scared me. don’t sneak up on me.” she leans against the railing, facing Peyton.
OOoOOooooo. YAS.
yeAh! You ShouLdddd
Lyra looked at him to see he was drowning. She shrugged and swam towards the ladder of the boat. She didn’t care that there were murders onboard anymore.
Peyton grins. “I scare people a lot.” He moves to stand next to Hayden and stares at the water.
“someone should save Aussie Boy. He’s drowning or something.” Lyra said like it wasn’t important and threw her lifejacket off.
Peyton raised his eyebrows. “Yeah, right.”
cr*p I missed stuff
what happened
Hayden Laughs. “well then, it’s not only me.” she turns back to mason. “She’s just In denial!”
nothing has happened
except for an argument about flongs
addie and Andrew walked
Seph meditated.
“In denial of what? Your Aussie surfing skills?” Lyra scoffed. “I could beat you any day.”
Hayden calls out in a sing song voice. “Denial!”
Lyra rolled her eyes at Hayden.
Peyton laughed.
Hayden laughed. they were all laughing. “You are both in denial. you like her too. very simple love logic.”
Lyra threw her remaining flip flop at his face. “Oh no! My thong hit his face!” Lyra said in a really bad australian accent while pretending to feel sorry.
Hayden snickers. “I’m sorry, I can’t take you guys saying thong about shoes.”
Peyton laughs harder.
Lyra ran over to her suitcase and pulled out an american thong. She slingshot it at his face. “Oh no! My THONG hit your face!” Lyra rolled her eyes.
Peyton died from laughter
I am the Globglogabgalab
the schwibbledibbleschwibbledibblegibbkeflabalab
Hayden rolls around on the ground, dying from laughter.
“I try.” Lyra smirked and walked off.
Seph pondered the meaning of life.
Lyra turned around and pushed him to the ground. “stop it.” She hissed.
“why are you follow me? Do you have a crush on me?” Lyra asked suddenly disgusted.
“thank god!” Lyra said relieved.
Seph did the eyebrow wiggle. “Maybe.”
Peyton wAtChEd Flong with interest
“are you joking?” Lyra turned around to face him in disbelief. “go get lost in the outback.”
fling flong
Hayden Laughs. “You both have a crush on each other. don’t deny it!!!!”
Peyton wAtChEd. He ate some popcorn.
“of course not you Dingo!” Lyra yelled at him.
this is interesting
super fast moving ship wow
very fast.
Hayden steals some popcorn. “Very interesting. look at all that denial. so much.” she comment.
Lyra snickers and the name nickers. “you sound like an old british man.”
I’m a poet :)))
Hayden Laughs. “Hah! nickers....” she giggles immaturely.
“Much denial,” Peyton says.
Hayden nods. “very much denial. and now they’re onto the subject of underwear and Handsome Australians.” she eats more popcorn.
Lyra looks him up and down and cringes. “more like an obese llama. I though all Australians were supposed to be tan and buff, what happened to you Aussie Boy?”
“He’s not wrong about being a handsome Australian. I mean...dang,” Peyton whispers.
I’m laughing so much rn lololololol hahahahha
Hayden nodded. “mmmhhmm. if Lyra hadn’t already staked a silent claim, I would go for it. What is she saying. obese llama? lies.”
Lyra attacked him. She was a koala apparently after all.
Peyton laughs. “Shaved koala? I think not.”
is this ship a fling or a flong?
“hey, just acting like the koala I am.” Lyra shrugged.
Peyton laughed harder.
I feel like all my characters are just the tiniest bit gay and it’s fun
Hayden Laughs. “Shaved koala. oh look! they’re fighting again! YOU GUYS SHOULD JUST MAKE PUT AND GET TOGETHER!” she yells to them.
Peyton laughs at Hayden’s comment.
“where?” Lyra got up and looked around. “where’s the hot Australian dude? the obese llamas blocking my way.”
did you just ship Hayden and Peyton...... BeCuAsE I ship it.
I ship #flong
Hayden yells to her. “Lyra! Open your eyes! there’s a hot guy that’s into you. make a move!”
YAS. flong.
oh boy
“I can’t see him! This obese llamas blocking him!” Lyra whined.
Peyton grinned. They were making physical contactttttt
Hayden whispers to Peyton, “They’re like romantically involved siblings. I’m jealous.” she Laughs.
“you’re smushing my face. get off before I fall through the ground.” Lyra tries to say through a smushed mouth.
Peyton nods. “Me too.”
Lyra flailed underneath him.
Hayden can’t stop laughing. “Mason! kiss her before she gets up!”
Lyra froze at what Hayden said. She didn’t want Aussi Boy to kiss her so she attempted to escape again.
Peyton let Hayden say whatever. He stayed quiet for the most part. This could probably happen naturally.
“Get up you fatso! I can hear the floor cracking!” Lyra screamed.
Seph licked her palms.
Hayden was now confused. “What? are you talking about yourself in a different perspective? BeCuAsE lyra’s got you so....” she laughs.
Peyton furrowed his eyebrows a little. Did Mason mean what Peyton thought he meant?
this is the fastest moving rp wow
OoOoOOf. it is.
Lyra went still.
Peyton died inside.
Merrin serenaded his grapefruit.
yeah honestly
Lyra pretended to be dead.
everyone is dead inside.
Lyra got up and slapped him.
Peyton wondered about Mason’s mental health.
Merrin kissed his grapefruit. It was his true love.
i think everyone is wondering about masons mental health
“I thought I was going to die!” Lyra screamed at him.
I don’t think they’ve stopped arguing once
it’s funny because there’s two dudes at my school named Mason and Peyton and honestly the sentence “Peyton wondered about Mason’s mental health” sums up their relationship pretty well
Hayden whispers to Peyton. “Did he just call her a flip flop? or underwear?”
Lyra fake cried at this but it looked believable. “Is this how you were taught to treat women?”
Peyton shrugged. “Either. Both.”
I should go sleepy sleep
Hayden shrugs back. “either can be taken offensively.”
Peyton nods in agreement.
Lyra continues to fake cry.
Lyra took acting lessons for 10 years.
Hayden yells at mason. “You made the pot child cry! hot Australian gut with no feelings!”
Lyra continued to cry. “You are a bully.”
Hayden gasps. “she used the bully card. and the fake Cry.”
“SiKe!” Lyra laughs. “Look at your face!”
Lyra dances around. “Australians are so gullible!” She laughed.
Hayden clapped. “Bravo! Bravo! again! again!”
“thank you, thank you.” Lyra bowed.
“with what muscles, Aussie Boy?” Lyra asked.
Hayden cheered. “WhOoP!”
Lyra squinted at his arm. “I think I need a magnifying glass.”
Hayden turned to look at Alex. “Could I be classified as an annoying girl?” she asked, still cheering.
old Taylor Swift music is good
Lyra kicked him in the.... um yeah.
Hayden laughed. “I think lyra’s already got him. you can have Peyton though.” she Laughs.
Lyra laughed at him. “You’re so weak!”
Hayden rolled around. “Even got aussies are not immune.” she Laughs.
Lyra jumped into the water anyways.
koalas are 100% better looking
Hayden shook her head. “No way. there’s no way there’s a better looking Aussie.”
Lyra picked up a fish and shoved it in his mouth. “Kiss the fish!”
(but they can be!)
Hayden stood up. “mmmhhmmm. very.”
Hayden shook her head. “No say, triplets. I need a hot Aussie man too.”
I'm gonna be a little slow now because I'm ona computer
Lyra punched his stomach underwater.
that’s sounds painful.
Lyra climbed on top of his shoulders and started hitting his head.
"Never!" Lyra continues to hit him.
Hayden agrees. “I know right. I wish a cute guy would mess with me in the water.”
Hayden cheers. “LYRA! KEEP MESSING WITH HIM!” she Laughs.
Hayden turns to her. “Sameeee.”
“but in there defense, you kind of walked up to Everyone and asked them if they’d committed any crimes.”
"ew gross! I'd rather kiss a dead sea otter than obese llama. Sea otters are super cute and cuddly and I really want to hug one." Lyra stopped hitting his head as she rambled on about otters. "Otters are awesome, I think their my favorite animal. Llamas are gross they spit at people."
Hayden patted her awkwardly on the shoulder. “yea. next time.” she thinks for a moment. “Peyton’s pretty cute. I talked to him. but he’s no Aussie man.”
"That's disgusting!" Lyra stood on his shoulders a back flipped off.
Hayden nodded sympathetically. “Don’t we all.”
Hayden looks at Alex. “That’s to far. vomit is not cute.”
Lyra swam away from the boat in search of sea otters.
Lyra kept on swimming farther away from the boat.
Hayden sighed in relief. “Thank god. I have heard of a joke. like Lyra saying mason was an obese llama, when he’s clearly not. that’s a joke. or a lie.”
Hayden sits on the deck. “Hang oN. Mason! come join us, since your girlfriend is finding sea otters!”
Lyra couldn't hear him, she was too far. She was beginning to feel tired from swimming, and she never put on a life jacket.
ShOoT. MaSoN BeTtEr SaVe LyRa.
Hayden sighed. “romance. saving each other’s lives. she can’t say no to him now. she’s gonna owe him her life.”
Lara floated on her back.
Lyra lounged in the sun while floating on her back.
Hayden sighed. “I want a romance like that.”
"what are doing?" Lyra yelled at him. She finally had some time away from him, but it was rudely interrupted by him.
Hayden couldn’t hear what was being said, but she saw hand holding. “Awwwww!” she coos.
"I was trying to stay away from you!" She screamed.
"You stop yelling!" Lyra yelled back.
Hayden still can’t hear what there saying properly. “Awww! she said I could never stay away from you! and he’s said I could never let you get killed, BeCuAsE I would be yelling.”
"Stop talking to me!" She screams.
“He just said he wants to introduce her to his doggo! awwwww!”
Lyra tried to pull her hand out of his grip.
Lyra tried swimming the opposite way.
Hayden almost passes out. “it’s a romance movie come to life. they refuse to let go of each other’s hands!”
Hayden pretended to. she wiped away imaginary tears. “This is beautiful!”
Lyra slapped him as she passed him on her way to the boat.
Hayden squealed. “Physical contact!” she sighs.
“They’re playing again!”
Lyra was too fast and climbed the ladder.
Lyra grabbed a towel and dried herself off.
Hayden smiles and giggles. “He just mouthed I love you to her! how sweet!”
Lyra rolled her eyes at him and went inside.
“so cute I’m gonna die!”
“omg, the hot Aussie is alone now!” Hayden laughs.
Lyra fell asleep on a couch. She was exhausted.
Hayden laughed. “why me! you could!”
Hayden sighed. she had no choice but to talk to the cute Aussie. she walked over to him. “Hey mason. how’s your romance with Lyra going?” she asks.
Lyra snuggled with a pillow in her sleep.
Hayden smiles. “really? than why’d you save her Aussie boi?”
Lyra dreamed about having 24 pet otters. This caused her to smile in her sleep.
"I love you." Lyra mumbled as she dreamed about herself hugging the otters.
“welp. me and Alex have been talking, about you of course. she says your cute, I say your cute, we agree and move on. it’s a weird conversation.” she shrugs.
this is great
Hayden squeals. “He’s dreaming about Lyra!!!!!”
"I want a pet otter." Lyra mumbles.
Lyra woke up and screamed when she saw Alex's face 2 centimeters from hers.
Hayden back up. “Ewww. Vegemite.”
Lyra looked horrified. "I was dreaming about otters!"
Hayden sighed. “nasty.”
i gtg
oof missed stuff again I’ve just been gone all day
Hayden existed
Lyra was mad at the obese llama.
GeT OvEr It LyRA.
Lyra kicked a random box.
Chloe needs to wake up ughhhh
idc if it’s like midnight in australia. I need some flong action
Chloe needs her bEauTy sleEp
Naomi picked thorns from a yellow rose and sighed as crimson blood seeped out of her fingertips. She threw the flower into the water and let her blood drip on the deck.
Kayla sat down and watched drops of blood spatter on the ground a few feet from her. She closed her eyes and let the pitter-pattering of the blood and the gentle crashing of the waves lull her to sleep.
“The obese llama needs to blow up.” Lyra threw a paper airplane out the door.
Hayden got up and walked around. now that she wasn’t distracted, the waves and rocking of the boat made her remember her sea sickness. she quickly ran over to the side of the boat.
Lyra makes paper airplanes.
Lyra has a talent that Hayden lacks. Hayden can not make paper airplanes.
Lyra throws a paper airplane at the ceiling.
bunny hop hop
hop hop hop like a bunny do
it’s Easter
merry valentines days all you leprechauns
RP dudes?
I have no idea what’s happening to what I’m typing.
that’s okay 😂
Hayden existed. she sat on a bench and laughed about mason and Lyra from earlier.
Lyra was making a plan on how to kill the obese llama.
Peyton walked around. Seph perched. Merrin existed.
oh dear Lyra
Seph hummed quietly.
Hayden walked over to seph. “Watcha hummin?”
Seph looked at Hayden. “The Duck SOnG,” she said, grinning.
Lyra goes to the kitchen and looks at the knives.
Hayden smiles. “Ooo. my favorite song.”
LyRa. aLeX WiLL Definitely investigate if you kill mason.
Lyra finds a large knife and sharpens it.
oh god.
Lyra cuts up some fruits.
MuCh BeTtEr
Lyra throws the knife into the sink and eats her red, juicy fruit.
I’m reading some lovely gay fiction on Quotev
um ok
awe yay Chloe 😊
can I still join
Lyra devours the red fruit. The juice drips down her hands and her face.
Vivian Parker sat at a wooden table with books stacked next to her. She had found them and was flipping through the pages.
so what’s up
Hadley balanced on a pipe as if it was a balance beam
Liam walked around and sat down in front of Vivian and began to read his book.
a lot has been up... and down
ah ok what’s that mean?
hopefully everything is good...
Vivian glanced up at the person who had sat down in front of her. She raised a brow and was tempted to go back to reading but curiosity took over her. “Picked this table for a reason?”
“Um, no. It just seemed like a nice place to read,” Liam said.
Liam is so awkward wth
Lyra cleaned the red fruit juice before leaving the kitchen.
Vivian just nodded, “Cool...” she held out her hand. “I’m Vivian, or Viv- whatever floats your boat.”
awe yay Chloe 💕💫
that’s good!!
“Nice tomeet you Vivian, I’m Liam,” Liam said shaking her hand. He thought that this was weird: socializing.
yay Chloe!
that’s nice to hear
who else is approachable
Vivian smiled and grabbed another book from her pile and just skimmed through it. “So Liam, how’s life?”
Vivian is very out there she just states the faccssttt
“It’s good I guess, but this boat is not the most pleasing thing. You?” Liam asked looking at his book and closing it.
Liam is just awkward and weird through thick and thin
Lyra makes paper airplanes.
weELl we all love an awkward smol bean
I guesso
Hadley fell over the pipe and in front of Lyra. She quickly shuffled to get up. “Erm, sorry:”
Vivian shrugs and closes her book also so she wasn’t being rude. “Well- no boats are not the most pleasing things... life is good.”
I should make peter Parker cAuSe Vivian Parker
oMg that would be AmAziNg
“That’s good to hear,” Liam smiled, he had a nice smile. “Where was this boat going again?”
yEs iMmA dOo iT
Lyra draws a face on her paper airplane and names it Thomas the flying engine.
Vivian places her pencil to her temple ( heh ) “A college.”
“Huh, I didn’t know that,” Liam stated confused. “Are you excited, it sounds kinda ech.”
I did ittt heheh
Viv shrugged, “I’m excited for the education. Just- the college doesn’t seem appealing.” // Peter walked through the hallllssss
Hadley did kartwheels around the boat
“It’s good to hear that someone else is interested in the education. I agree, the college isn’t heck appealing at all,” Liam stated.
Lyra creates an obese llama out of old cheese and stabbed it with her paper airplanes.
Viv laughed and looked at him for a moment with a squint. “Let me guess, you the kind of guy who prefers reading or writing math equations instead of socializing?” she smiled slightly. “Just taking a hint.”
Peter saw the stabbing of the llama and shrieked. “THE POOR LLAMA”
Lyra tipped the llamas head off and threw it at Peter.
“Yup, seems 100% accurate, and I’m guessing you’re the type who likes to branch out and is a very kind person. You also like stating just the facts,” Liam smiled. “Just taking a hint.”
Hadley just wandered around because she is sunny.
holy cr*p I’ve missed so much
Peter grabbed the head of the llama and wiped a tear. “Don’t worry I’ll fix you llama.” he said before walking over to Lyra.
don’t worry I just came like 20 min ago
Vivian leaned back and her seat and scrunched up her nose with an amused smile. “Seems 100% accurate.” She mimicked.
Liam did a mimicking face and then smiled. He was awkward and didn’t know what to do.
Lyra crushes the rest of the obese llamas body.
“So, do you just read all day or do you do other things too?”
“Erm, I do that and watch Netflix, normal anti-social kid stuff,” Liam shrugged. “Ya know? How about you?”
Peter screamed and looked at Lyra. He looked down at the crushed llama body and then to the head that was in his hand. “There’s no hope for you..” he said sadly and shot Lyra a glare.
Hadley did the worm
Vivian scoffed and shook her head. “Why am I not surprised..” she thought about it and leaned back so her chair was only on the two back legs. “Well I annoy my brother a lot, read, write, play the guitar, stuff like that.
Lyra threw her paper airplane in the air and walked away from the “murder scene”.
“Huh, seems alike to what I do, I annoy my sister till she threw a chair at me. That was mighty great,” Liam said sarcastically. His twin sister Leah had once thrown a chair at him after Liam showed her crush a video of her doing the chicken dance and wobbling up and down. That was mighty great.
she made a model out of old cheese
Peter cried over the llama
I made Leah
so now Leah wandered around the halls
Hadley went over to the llama and tossed it in the air
Vivian laughed and twirled her pencil. “i think I was the one who threw the chair at my brother.”
“I want a pet otter.” Lyra said randomly as she made another paper airplane.
“Eh, maybe it’s a sister and brother thing you know. Leah is actually on this boat and she said pretend that I’m not related to her, but we both know that’s not going to last,” Liam said.
Peter screamed at Hadley
Leah walked around
“Gee, hi! I’m Hadley, what’s your name?” Hadley asked.
Leah went up to Mason and introduced herself. “Hey, I’m Leah. You are?”
“You’re sister sounds like a handful.” Vivian muttered, drawing something in the table // Peter looked at Hadley and blinked. “Peter. Peter Parker.”
yes because Dylan O’Brien is always hot but he’s American so he’s a hot American
she made an obese llama out of old moldy cheese
“Cool!!!!!!” Hadley said smiling. “Why did you scream earlier?” // “She is, I hate and love her. It gives me a pastime of some sort: aNnOyInG her,” Liam shrugged.
Dylan O’Brian is just👌🏼
he’s too good
Peter blinked, “You threw the llama.” he said it like it was obvious // Vivian nodded and placed her chin on top of her crossed arms. “Yea?”
Dylan O’Brien is my future husband so shshshs
“I will name my otter River.” Lyra talks to herself.
“Hey!” Lyra slapped him back.
I am very tired and my head is pounding 🌈💫🍓✨ I need that coffee
hasn’t your mom ever taught you not to slap a girl
but I want that coffee
“copier!” Lyra twisted his arm around.
and gah I really don’t want elements to die like -story did
that would be sad
bye chloe I love you
oof bye
“Yup,” Liam said. // “Ah, well he llama is weird,” Hadley shrugged still smiling.
Vivian was about to fall asleep but blinked to stay awake. “We’re still talking about siblings right?” // Peter just blinked at her. “It has feelings you know.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty boring, so you can sleep,” Liam said.
“Oh! Sorry Llama!!!” Hadley shrieked.
Vivian shook her head and rubbed her eyes. “No, you’re fine. Let’s do something.” // Peter smiled, “That’s better.”
Lyra puts in her headphones and listens to her music.
beep badoooobop
“Okay, what do you wanna do?” Liam asked. // “Good,” Hadley said.
Hadley did the wave at the obese llama and danced around
Kayla sipped a lemonade while still sitting on the floor.
Naomi are chocolate covered strawberries. The one thing that calmed her. Besides, the red juice disguised the blood.
what has been happening?
idk my puppets are lonely and one of them wants to be the other is depressed so I’m fine with it
Lyra and Mason were fighting for a while
that’s all I know
Hayden PoOfEd into existence at a table.
Kayla bit into a lemon that was in her drink and swallowed the fruit. Then she threw the peel across the boat.
The peel went into a trash can.
Hayden got hit by the peel. “Hey! Watch it!” she yells.
BeCuAsE Hayden was at a table by the trash can.
uh it went into a trash can
it bounce off of Hayden and went into the trash.
Kayla snorted. This bloke was blind and delusional.
Kayla has good aim
idk. iM TrYiNg tO GeT HaYdEn TaLkiNg tO SoMeOnE.
Kayla hates people
Well then......
I suggest not talking to her
Naomi ate more chocolate covered strawberries and dangled her feet over the side of the boat.
honestly both of my ocs are not people people
they’re just there to *depressify* things
positive thoughts people!
Hayden sighed and got up, walking away, to a room.
PoSiTiVe EMiLy
always positive!
*bows* thank you! I’ve been training for minutes to reach glory such as this!
*Claps* AmAziN. LoVeLy.
iN mY oLd PaJaMaS
follow @jojoseaweed
oH YeS.
so what’s up
ThE cEiLiNg.
sorry. I have no idea actually.
BoP BeEp
cheese piggies
piggies wrapped in cheesy blankets?
cheese frogging piggies
razzle dazzle
o-O •_• •-• ^_^
hi hi
Hayden sat at a table, eating a plain lemon, training herself to not make a face.
Kayla drank a power smoothie.
Naomi ate chocolate covered strawberries again.
heyy yehudhd
Hayden are three pounds of lemons and her taste buds were now dead.
eating lemons is fun. just ask Kayla.
but Kayla can take it.
but I can’t ask Kayla.......she doesn’t like to socialize 😂😂😂
lol true😂
Lyra made a giant paper airplane.
Hayden ate 14 pounds of lemons, and was going to pass out from Alemonrelatedillness.
Lyra gave herself a paper cut.
Hayden did pass out from alemonrelatedillness.
Kayla finished her 15 pounds of lemons and smiled as Hayden passed out. Then she started eating more lemons.
Naomi ate more chocolate covered strawberries.
Lyra puts a bandaid on her paper cut.
Hayden woke up from alemonrelatedillness and ate 22 pounds of oranges.
Lyra puts a new bandaid on her paper cut.
Lyra changed her bandaid.
Lyra took off her old bandaid and put on a new one.
Lyra’s took of the old bandaid and wrapped a new one around her finger.
so many bandaids....
Lyra puts on a blue bandaid.
Blue bandaids are nice....But my little brother wears minion bandaids. they are pretty amazing. 😂😂
Hayden takes a bandaid and puts it on, though she has no need for it. she just loves bandaids.
Lyra throws a pack of bandaids at Hayden.
Hayden puts them all on. BeCuAsE ya.
Lyra karate chops a bandaid onto her finger.
Hayden cuts a bandaid and makes it into a mustache.
Lyra accidentally rips her paper airplane so she repairs it with a spongebob bandaid.
Hayden sticks back together an orange peel with Spider-Man homecoming Bandaids. the oranges are covered in Tom Holland.....
Lyra puts a bandaid over her mouth.
Hayden looks weirdly at Lyra, then continues to put Tom Holland bandaids all over the oranges.
Lyra puts bandaids all over a window.
make new ones
fling flong
I didn’t even put 10 words😂
Lyra slapped a new bandaid on her paper cut.