Ahs Commons room


Ahs Commons room

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Tord: *laying on bed watching tv*
Matt: hi
Tord: *looks up* het Matt
Matt: whatcha doing?
Tord: watching tv really boredly and u?
Matt: nothing much
Tord: why don't u come right here and lay beside me *pats on side of bed*
Matt: *lays down* this is nice
Tord: ik
Jade: hi
Tord: sup
Jade: they have battle practice downstairs, wanna join?
can I join?
Tord: eh I rather be lazy
Jade: ok then! boi!
tom: call him sunshine lollypops *snikers*. Tord: dear god NO
Matt: Sunshine Lolipops!
Tord: *puts head I'm matts shirt hiding his blush*
Matt: *smiles*
Tord: *has arms around Matt too*
Abby: hi
Kevin: sup
Matt: hi
(who’s Kevin?)
Abby: how are you
(my Oc)
Matt: I’m good, you?
Abby: I am new and was wondering if someone wanted to show me around
Tord: *mumbles still hiding face* why do people call me sunshine lollipops
Abby: I have no idea
Abby: will someone pls give me a tour
Matt: sure! *gets up*
Matt: btw the reason people call you sunshine lollipops is because you’re cute and sweet!
Tord: *falls asleep*
Matt: aww
tom: looks like you little sunshine fell asleep am I right Matt *chuckles*
Matt: yeah
eddwardo: I am not u little piece of trash!
Matt: *stands in front of Mord, protecting him*
Matt: Mord, that’s a guy named Edwardo.
tom: eddwardo yes u are *kicks out window* there
Matt: ...
Mord: she lëšbëan
Abby: I’m bored what Is something fun to do in this town
Mord: who dat dad
Matt: there’s battle practice downstairs
Abby: what is the battle about
tom: *looking out window*
Matt: it’s just practice for just in case
Abby: ok are there any cool events going on rn?
Mord: *looking at abby*
Abby: *looks at Mord*
Mord: hi
Matt: not right now, but next week is homecoming week
Abby: cool that seems like fun I mean it was at my old school
Matt: yeah
Abby: what is the theme
( is it actually next weekend)
(I’ll post the themes)
( ok but is it actually next weekend in real life cuz I’m busy then)
(just during the weekdays)
(cool then
Abby: I’ll be right back I am gonna make some food you guys are welcome to come
Matt: ok *walks with Abby*
Tord: *sneezes cutely in sleep*
Todd: hi
Abby: mord are you there?
Mord: *watching Tord sleep*
Abby: oh lol
Mord: I am here
Abby: yay
Abby: mord??
Abby: jade r u there still