
my entry to --PaintingTheWind-- contest
did I do that^ right? I feel like it should have been --PaintingTheWinds-- but that's not her name.... ugh whatever

what is the last song you listened to?
my answer...... house of memories by p!atd


๐Ÿ“’click๐Ÿ“’ my entry to --PaintingTheWind-- contest did I do that^ right? I feel like it should have been --PaintingTheWinds-- but that's not her name.... ugh whatever what is the last song you listened to? my answer...... house of memories by p!atd

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Seagulls, it's this Star Wars parody and it's hilarious๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
lol ill check it out