These kids don't no nothing about me so if you got so thing to say keep it to your salf if you think this is a Liy then don't comment on my stuff o ya I'm 19  and y'all just kids so say in kids place πŸ’―


These kids don't no nothing about me so if you got so thing to say keep it to your salf if you think this is a Liy then don't comment on my stuff o ya I'm 19 and y'all just kids so say in kids place πŸ’―

32 3
um don't πŸ–•πŸ½me off btw speed right for once
you just mad cause I post that go sit down some where little girl
make me
sorry I did not believe you I got cunfused but how did you have her at 15 my mom would have got on my sister if she had a baby
yea I no it's okay
I'm so sorry
some times you just Jetta let it out
sorry so do you want to be my friend
yeah can we be friends
sure but tell your friends to stop wait how old are y'all
I'm 10
okay how old is the others girls
dammmm u ggooooo gurllllllll😏😏😏😏😏
can I be your friend