Comment tips or fonts for edits like this if you have any, please. :)
Love you Tyler and Josh. <3
"Stay alive, it's worth it, I promise." -Tyler Joseph.


*CLICKY-CLICK THIS* Comment tips or fonts for edits like this if you have any, please. :) Love you Tyler and Josh. <3 "Stay alive, it's worth it, I promise." -Tyler Joseph.

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i don't really have a theme ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. i literally have 2 collages.
hey you seem really chill and i don't really want drama butttttt if you're implying that i copied you... i made that collage in november of 2016 which seems to be far earlier than you made yours.
and reading my caption i said " this is a new style thingy". i said nothing about a new theme
all this said, if your willing to leave all this drama behind us, i'm willing to be your friend. i love tøp and from your collages it seems as you do as well. you are great at collaging and i would never intentionally steal someone else's style and say it was my own.