Catch Fire - 5sos🔥✨Happy Friday babes!! I actually kind of like this edit tbh😂💕please keep praying for Manchester and also the Philippines😞🙏🏼 Also does anyone know how to get the old fonts on PC back??💜


Catch Fire - 5sos🔥✨Happy Friday babes!! I actually kind of like this edit tbh😂💕please keep praying for Manchester and also the Philippines😞🙏🏼 Also does anyone know how to get the old fonts on PC back??💜

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i kind of know how to get them back
and this is paper-towns btw :) i missed u sm
@crybabytears ohhh omg really?? do you think you can show me? and I missed you so much too!!!!!😭💗💗💗
omg i missed u more❤️❤️ and ty!! :) yeah i have like a main ig a priv and a super embarrassing fan account. 😅i could probably just talk to you from that though
its @riverdalewolf 💕and for the fonts basically all you need to do is go to an old collage in the remixes and click on the old font and then change the color or do something to it and it stays with u
its kind of confusing to explain what it means by "staying with u" 😂but basically once u exit out and go to the main place to create collages, u can tap the text button and start typing and it will automatically have that old font
to make it easier, i'll just remix them here :)
sry fr flooding yr comments section omg but if u want a specific one just ask me and I can probably find it for you :)
omg thank you so much!! you're so sweet omg thank you honestly!
I love your account!!
@bluewatersforever omg actually?! thank you so much I love your account as well it's amazing!!😍😍