:) :) :) :) :) :) :) ALL is right in the world


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) ALL is right in the world

27 0
it's amazing and I love it yet it's really demonic. (I feel like that's something I'd say about a p!atd video) what do you think the meme will be this year?
I heard LA Devotee on the radio today! This day is actually going along better than I thought it would (*cue bad thing that ruins my day*)
^oh wow that's cool! my mom sang along to doab when it played on the radio the other day lol. also, I think the meme will either be "soft and neat" or "you're a bad boy Jeffery"
wHaT tHe aCtUaL HE LL wAs ThAt ViDeO
I kNoWwW iM jUsT cOnFuSeD
the whole video is a meme