Hit me up if you wanna vape


Hit me up if you wanna vape

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yeah do you
oh that’s cool
Alex hbu
you wanna roll a j?
oh u vape?
oh cool
I think ur in one of my classes is ur last name bensen?
if that is you ur really pretty
i can’t remember lol
yeah but I don’t give it out to very many people
I don’t know you like that yet
it turns out I only have 24 nic juice are you still down?
I need a yes or no
I really can’t my mom would be salty af maybe if we talk on here for a little bit
she told me not to give it to anybody unless I know them
yeah I’m free on Tuesday morning to vape if you wanna but I only have 24 nic
oh you have a bf?
I’m kinda looking for a gf
with who?
is there any way you and your bf are gonna break up soon because I think you’re really beautiful
do you think you guys will?
can you see yourself marrying him is what I’m asking
do you love him?
how long do you think you guys’ll be together?
what does that mean?
no like do you think you guys could break up in a week?
so you don’t think you’ll marry him.......so you’re saying I have a chance
ok cool
we should date
you agree???
are we a thing now?
because you don’t see a future with him so I don’t see why we shouldn’t dat and you can find out if you see a future with me
well you said you don’t see a future with him
you said you couldn’t see yourself marrying him
so you can’t see yourself marrying him?
so you can see yourself marrying him?
oh ok sorry I’m not looking for a friend
sorry I’m just looking for a gf
ok well if you and your bf wanna come vape on Tuesday I’m down