Waiting in this tiny room for my mother


Waiting in this tiny room for my mother

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Is your mom okay? do you know what was wrong with her?
ya, but the thing is, she doesn't really want her to co-own, so yeah😶sry
and plz, can you let Devana talk, not you? sry, but she'll understand better.
oh! I'm so sorry! thank goodness she's okay!
Hey Devana👋🏻👋🏻! I wanna start off with saying that this is not meant to be mean in any way, shape, or form. you stood up for me in the hate page, and I hope we get to be really good friends someday. the thing is, my sister myownway has been a little moody these days and keeps on pushing out her anger at me🙄🙄. and let me tell you, IT GETS REALLY ANNOYING!!! anyways, I asked her what was wrong, and she replied,"well, there's there's this girl named Devana," and I'm like, "oh yeah! I know her! she's really good at collages!" and then she's just blurting out her whole life story, blah blah blah, something like 'she keeps on emailing me on my email only for my collages!' and 'I want my account to be mine, not hers!'. and a lot of'I'm not trying to be rude, but it's really annoying!'. so basically, my point is, can you not co-own and can you not email her? sorry, but they give detentions if you can't keep your device shut at school. and Lisa's a straight A student, so she WILL come home crying if she gets a detention(trust me, I've seen)sry about the drama,-MAGN1F1C3NT