Decided to start off with a fairly heavy topic, one that I haven't heard a lot of opinions over in the past. My mom talked about the subject to me yesterday, and I'd love to hear what you guys think. ✨


Decided to start off with a fairly heavy topic, one that I haven't heard a lot of opinions over in the past. My mom talked about the subject to me yesterday, and I'd love to hear what you guys think. ✨

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Divorce is defined as "The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body". πŸ₯€ As you said, it's a heavy but fair topic. I think that if you aren't happy living with someone you depend of, you should separate from that person; but, recently, there have been some studies that show the increase in the number of annual divorces through the years. In my opinion, that is because people tend to go too quickly. I don't know. 🌿✨
My parents are divorced, it's very stressful, but they weren't happy together so it was the best choice for our family.
In addition, I think divorce could be either worse or better for the family. πŸ‘€
My parents are divorced. For me I think divorce is better for the parents but never for the child. For me I was fine he wasn't my birth dad and he cheated on her so I didn't feel bad. But there's a lot of fighting and I the end the kid is in the middle. I just think people should spend more years getting to know one another instead of just jumping to it. Then the kid gets stuck having to see their parents one weekend and the o the other one the other. And they always ask " Mom why are aren't you and daddy together?" and let's not even mention the boyfriends or girlfriends they might have. Divorce is messy but it does help because if the parents are in constant fighting and in the end it is better for the child then yes. But again this only applies to families with children. I think partners should date for years just to get to know everything because commitment is serious. After divorce there is a million things to separate and to do and things you have to mention to jobs or your next partner. But once again if in the end if makes their life happier then sure. I just think people should give it more though.
I actually want to do my extended essay for IB about this so I have a true opinion on it!! My parents got divorced when I was 3 and it was probably the best decision they could've made. They don't get along and would be horrible if they were still married. However, I know they had to lie to the church to get the sin of divorced removed and I think that's really horrible. A lot of people see divorce as a bad thing mainly because of religion or because you're supposed to just love one person but I think divorce can be a really good thing for couples and shouldn't be looked down upon anymore.
i do that so much aaa whoops! thank you so much though!
@Photo-Booth said it perfectly
My parents aren't divorced, although I think it's good to get a divorce because I think it's better to live seperate happily than together unhappily. Most of the times couples don't divorce because they believe that it will negatively effect their children, but actually it does more damage to kids if their parents don't love each other yet they are together, it just creates conflict.
I think divorce is so difficult for the children involved. it can often make them feel like it's all there fault. I think unless the adults work really hard at staying friends, it can be really damaging.
Thanks :)
Divorce is just so common now, which makes me really sad, because it's like no one is respecting their marriage vows! It's almost as if now those marriage vows mean nothing! This is just my opinion; However I do understand that in many cases divorce is necessary, or encouraged. It just makes me sad when I think about it.
I have not had much personal "first hand" experience with divorce. I do think it is strange how it is becoming more common as the years go on. But then again I don't have the statistics to prove such a statement, only personal feelings and thoughts. I just feel as if it is a little unfair for me to make assumptions for others without having much personal experience besides reading novels and watching films involving the topic.
I think divorce is a very complex issue. Having had no firsthand experience, I cannot say much but I do think that in many cases divorce could've been prevented if people had not jumped into the relationship without getting to know each other properly. It's increasing these days which is really sad as it means that either people have stopped taking commitments seriously or they are hasty in their decisions. The most affected during a divorce are the children. They are left in a confused state and a puzzling situation they're not ready to deal with physically or mentally. All of a sudden all they knew as their own falls apart and nothing is ever the same again. Of course there are many other undeniable reasons for divorce, but I think it could be prevented on a large scale if people took the time to test their compatibility before committing to a relationship. On the other hand, the legal procedure of divorce should also be made easier so that the messy part is over soon and people can get on with their lives.
I think it's a horrible thing to go through but it's also wrong to stay with someone ur not happy with. my mum was divorced before she met my dad, and she hates talking about it and when she does it's always about how horrible her ex-husband was to her. if they hadn't been allowed to divorce, she'd still be unhappy, and hey, I wouldn't be here, right? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and recently, my aunt got divorced with her husband. their daughter is only 5 and it's been really hard for her. she had to move to a different city (where my grandparents live because my aunt moved in with them). she had to move schools at the last minute and spends her weekends driving 3 hours to her dads house, where he mainly ignores her and gets his mum to look after her.
but I guess, in the end, divorce is a good thing because if people make bad decisions they can take them back and not live with them forever. my cousin is happy at her new school, her mum is happier without her ex-husband and my mum is happier with my dad, me and my brother than she was with her ex. this ended up longer than I meant πŸ˜‚ ~ Lucy πŸŒŸπŸŒΏπŸ’•πŸ˜˜
I think divorce can be very beneficial to couples and is a good thing. Sometimes when couples are constantly bickering it can lead to stress and worry with children of the couple and also can lead to depression in the two people of the relationship. Especially with cases of domestic violence, cheating, etc. divorce is something that needs (usually) to be done. I think divorce is generally frowned open (especially with religion) and divorce laws are sometimes very confusing and tedious. For example, where I live, couples must be separated for at least 5 years before they can get divorced and I think this is completely ridiculous. I also think divorce is highly preventable if people would not jump so hastily into relationships.