My entry to @icecreamswimmingbunnies26! Sorry these are mostly entries but they are my theme as well!! Also who watched the opening ceremony to the Olympics??πŸ’•πŸŽ‰Kids were carrying plants for their countriesπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


πŸ–ŒCLICKπŸ–Œ My entry to @icecreamswimmingbunnies26! Sorry these are mostly entries but they are my theme as well!! Also who watched the opening ceremony to the Olympics??πŸ’•πŸŽ‰Kids were carrying plants for their countriesπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

180 4
can you go like callmeaaron recent post
MEπŸ™‹πŸ»And this is GORGEOUS!!✨
thanks! u have to a sky castlescience for that part, cuz she made the pic😁
thank youπŸ’“πŸ’“I lerv your account
np againπŸ˜‚
thanks for the spam :)
yeah! they were! there was like 550 something athletes in the usa!
your in great britain?
like you live there?
ok so i read ur question on iluvsushis post
i just searched "red" "blue" and "yellow" in pc browser and clipped them out :-)
an app called sketches
I ok with just a shoutout
lgbt isn't an account, it stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual. it's just their little community and lgbthate_ is homophobic and she's saying how she hates lgbt people
wow! london! that place is amazing!
WOAH!!!!! I love this so much!! Amazing job, this is gorgeous! And me! I did!
and cool!!!! We can celebrate together!! πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ»
whats your fav place there?
thats cool. how big are the parks?
any ponds?
This is utterly AMAZING
😳😳id like to go there!
Hey!😊 Happy National Sisters Day!πŸ‘­ I'd just like to let you know that I'm proud that you're one of my PC sisters!πŸ‘­πŸ’— Have a marvelous rest of your day!πŸ˜˜πŸŒ… Stay beautiful girlfriend, xoxo, dream_in_pinkπŸ’—
Please follow me lovely πŸ’– and I hope we could be friends also please drop a like
oh, yeah.
it is terrible that someone is hating on it and then using a happy emoji
Thank you! Yeah, due to my lack of inspo, I haven't talked to nearly anyone so far. I think I'm semi-coming back, which is great news πŸ˜€πŸ’•
And this edit is amazing, btw
You will never know *Whahaha*
wow this is awesome!πŸ’–
This is amazing, you're so talented!😍😍
hey how's our collab?
may I use this quote? i wil give credit?
need to know your fav things to do in summer
s t u n n i n g