losing motivation. I keep using insta overlays (the @editingneeds for these) bc I don't want to do screenshots or anything anymore. I honestly want a break but I'm not taking one bc I can't let you guys down


losing motivation. I keep using insta overlays (the @editingneeds for these) bc I don't want to do screenshots or anything anymore. I honestly want a break but I'm not taking one bc I can't let you guys down

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honey, if you need a break go ahead and take oneπŸ’— we'll understand
awe of course. you could always just take a break from editing but still come on and like collages and chat (:
bby it's fine and everyone loves this account its GOALSπŸ’–
love this 😍 and girl, if you need a break, take one! πŸ’˜ as an editor myself i totally understand and i kniw many others do as well πŸ’œ we'll support you forever and always xox ☺️😚
*know πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
U caught me derrrπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ well ur whole acc slays my life sooooπŸ˜πŸ’—πŸ’— Jenna, if u need to take a break, take one. We'll understand. Just don't ever think about leaving, that's allπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— WE ALL LOVE U AJ
okay (:
follow me back on whi I'm β™‘Alsieβ™‘ or moonliqhts_onpc
thank you! and if u need a break, take one. if people get sad they aren't true fans
where do u get your textures?
I love Colleen πŸ’–
okay:) and thank youπŸ’—
I didn't mean you I'm so sorry. I commented on the wrong profile :3