I’m sorry....for not being active, for genuinely avoiding social media, for being such a fūck up, for not killing myself yet..I’m just sorry


I’m sorry....for not being active, for genuinely avoiding social media, for being such a fūck up, for not killing myself yet..I’m just sorry

30 0
Your awesome and don’t dare the füčk kill your self
You are amazing 😉
^^ also don’t be sorry,, if you need a break feel free to take it cuz everything can get overwhelming sometimes also yEs don’t you fûcking dare die
hey Ashton, do you know what happened to Adam 💗🔥✨
you shouldn't be sorry for not killing your self, you should be sorry for not looking after your beautiful self 💗💗✨
yeah I think so.. and me too
how are you 💗
don't be sorry I was away too and we all want you alive