I entered this into thepurpleturtle 's contest... I liked it so I'm posting it here too❤️


I entered this into thepurpleturtle 's contest... I liked it so I'm posting it here too❤️

81 1
I don't use any apps, only piccollage
i love your posts! i am so sorry about that girl who's stealing your collages, that just proves that she's jealous of your work! i know what it feels like to get your post stolen, because it happens all the time on my Instagram acc to me :/ but you really should keep posting collages, because I guarantee one day your account will get big !! :)
Oh my gosh... I LOVE your posts so much & they're so inspiring! I just started and I hate my collages so much... They're so boring! Can you give me any advice?
this is really really really good!! I love Melanie!!❤️👏🏻😘✨
Thanks for the advice... It really helped me! You're so sweet! 😘 Thanks a million times!
luv ya 2! and np! you're collages are just amazing 😍👍☄💫
it's really good
tysm I like you'd too and so cool
you won 2 placemy giveaway!! congrats!!
sorry if is too late 😥
I'm going to give you 3 filtered pics and I really hope you like it 🙂💞
just cut the pictures with pic collage or if you want with the app magic eraser