Falcons. Wish we Woulve won


Falcons. Wish we Woulve won

4 0
what do you mean?
you said ur crushing on someone
oh ah lol
my mom's friend's son
my friend for as long as I can remember
ummmmm...is it ok to ask why?
not that I'm offended or anything just wondering why
and I don't mean to offend you if I ask why
oh jeez my life I'm sorry
what does that mean
okie I'm sorry...
his name is Ahmer
ya in Illinois
bruh that's so faaaarrr
on the right
like I'm the girl on the right
uh thanks?😬
oh ok😄😄😄
you in school?
ya in school ugh
a class called AP sem
how old are you?
you already know
sure thang
WE ez frandz
what else is up?
they on pic collage?
no but I have hangouts
this is a school iPad so there's no im
k. I'll get it and I will give u mine. do u have house party
house party?
actually can't
no App Store
just get hangouts girlfriend
eekh not house party
I hate vid chat
lemme know when you get hangouts
um... I'd rather get to know u a bit first...😂 sorry
help JustLikeEricca get to 2k, don't forget to enter my contest
okie dokie
can't wait to get your hangouts?
is that what your asking?
14 going on 15
you're 13 right?
um I'll think about it. you saw my last icon, i was on there.
maybe when I get to 500
or something
wear my scarf? Yea, in Islam, my religion, we believe in protecting our women from the gazes of other men
so my scarf is more a concept than a piece of cloth. we wear modest clothing and stuff
no. we don't have boyfriends or date unless we're supervised. all of that stuff is after marriage.
people that follow Islam are Muslim and yes he is
it's all completely by choice. my parents don't force me to do anything.
although I was born into this, I made my choice to stay Muslim awhile ago
I researched and I love it
aren't there Muslims in your neighborhood?
that's awesome.
you go to private school?
so I'm assuming you don't know many Muslims?
that's very cool and open minded of you
☺️☺️☺️ If you ever have any other questions about Islam, I'm always open!
I don't actually care what religion anybody is. if you're nice to me, I'm nice to you
I don't base my friends off of their religion
so what else do you like to do?
ooh which vid games?
hang on so what console do you play on?
oh you should get Overwatch for PlayStation. It's on Xbox too. actually
ya it's just an online multiplayer game
no story really
it's a lot of fun
it's only sixth period two more periods to go
what time is it?
oh what the heck unfair much
oh hallan hour ahead
okie well I gotta run
nice talking!