Just playing around with some settings. Can you believe @FindingFlowers said my writing reminded her of RICK YANCEY? (He wrote The 5th Wave) I AM BESIDE MYSELF WITH HAPPINESS—HOLY HERA, I cannot believe this.


Just playing around with some settings. Can you believe @FindingFlowers said my writing reminded her of RICK YANCEY? (He wrote The 5th Wave) I AM BESIDE MYSELF WITH HAPPINESS—HOLY HERA, I cannot believe this.

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ahhh...this is something i'd expect to see in a dystopian novel😍💕 lovely:)
I totally CAN believe it, for it's very very true. 👏🏻 @FindingFlowers is right. You write in a particular way. It gets me overwhelmed. 👀✨
I agree with Hard_Moments :)
This reminds me of teen wolf for some reason.🐺
@FindingFlowers is exactly right! Now that I really think about it, ITS SO SO TRUE! Take this for example, 😱
@typeofwriter, Thank you! This is irrelevant, but Dystopian is actually my favorite genre. What's yours? 😍👏🏼
@Hard_Moments, Sister, thank you very, very much! Can you explain what "overwhelmed" means? Sometimes I forget the terms for things in English.😊🙈
@GatheringBlue, ☺☺☺
@Photo-Booth, Why? Is something like this on season 6 that I'm not aware of? 😱🌿
@maplebear, How are you such a nice human being. 💕🌹
@sporty_puppy, (Almost wrote your username in CAPS 😂🙈) Thanks again, friend—I would've NEVER imagined of reminding someone of (all-hail-to) Rick Yancey. ✨
I love the range in your storylines. From practical to based-off-a-true-story to borderline dystopian. I love it all. 👏🏼
And @caption, I said it because it is very, very true. 🌹
Well, happy to say I got the meaning of 'overwhelmed' in your language. It means 'superado', 'impresionado'. I guess those words mean surprised, left-in-awe. 😂🙈