Collage by hyperprosexia


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hi there im emily x
hey hey, i’m caroline !
no reason to complain so i guess i’m good!! thanks for asking! how are you sir??
heyo im amelia
hello, what's the kiddo's name??
awwhh that's so cute, and the dedication of the name is top tier! i wish my father and i were close growing up
i was... more than i was my father. but she passed when i was younger and daddy was never home. i know, typical sad sloppy life story... so i learned to just kind of grow independently without depending on others
sorry for that little trauma dump 😬
(also my phone is geeking and so i didn't mean to like ur repost, i didn't even click on it)
yup, i've heard that a few times from my father. i'm sorry to hear that, cause at the end of the day she was your mom. so does that mean you and were father were close?
gotcha, that's kinda how it was with my grandparents when they moved in
i suppose it seems that way doesn't it?
i feel a little opposite on your first statement, i feel that being able to openly express your family is a trait of growth in a person especially when it's traumatic. it just represents that they've accepted it and aren't ashamed ya know? it takes a lot to get there. family doesn't define you, but it makes up what you and what examples you know.
what can i say... i like to observe things a little bit differently :)
well thank you, though i will say, im not sure if this is your flirtatious side of you that you mention in your bio, or the genuine side of you... either way, im happy i could help you see a different perspective
good good. and of course, i can only imagine, especially when being a parent, how hard it is to take time to reflect on other perspectives
that's so understandable though, at least your son will understand how cared for he is
something i may so secretly envy
well i truly am, so very happy for you mister callen
i may be able to squeeze some time to chat tomorrow, i'm getting pretty sleepy aswell. sleep well, and tell sawyer to as well! :)
goodnight mister callen x.
or shall i say good afternoon to you from me:)
hey, forget me ? 🙃
sorry for never getting back to you! how’s your day so far?
hi i’m junie (:
hi I’m Paris!
love your name, how are you!
I’m gooood, thank you for asking :) what are you up to?
just getting ready to go out with some friends! :)