Collage by Fruit_Cake61


41 0
I watched aladinand it is quite boring
who is your favourite disney princess. mine is cinderella. my sister likes elsa but i just think elsa is a show off
hi i am princess_minni
hi i am princess_minni
i dont have any collages yet but once i make one can u plz like it. i dont have any followers either since i have just started so can u plz tell people to follow me
hi guys
my favourite princess is Ariel since she is the only princess who has 2 identities
hi princess_minni
thanx guys for liking
nice collage of aladin and princess
awwww thank u thats soooo sweet
why does no one put up a profile pic
i found aladin quite emotianal. dont no why. but take some advice. nothing is more emotional than the titanic. i watched it and couldnt stop crying
hia guys plz follow me
wait Fruit_Cake61nu already follow me lol lol lol lol lol lollol
sorry i love saying lol
hia guys its nikky102
i follow u Fruit_Cake61
i love ur collages. they r inspiring
btw my favourite princess is also Ariel
how cool is that????
really cool! hehe ;)
hia guys i am new to pc
1 question how do i get an icon because i am not sure . i am new to this app and my friend told me about it. can someone plz tell me how to get an icon. thanx
hey guys do any of u know of an app
if u do plz follow me
@the_name_is_no if u want i will make an icon for u sinc u dont know how to make 1
can you follow me
hia this is a really nice collage
thanx hun♄