I don't know what to do


I don't know what to do

29 0
Ibuprofen and water
don't stress, try to relax as much as possible. and food. food is necessary.
yeah. junk food is the best food. or your favorite comfort food. oh. and entertainment, like YouTube or tv or Netflix or whatever, to distract you. maybe a good book or fanfiction or something. but more food is a great friend as well. did I mention food? XD seriously though. get your favorite foods and relax.
chocolate is wonderful
^^ In my case I'm addicted to chocolate 😑
legit what these darlings have said, the essentials are comfort food (I'm the same as @ThatShabbyPandaGirl,chocolate rules). YouTube or a book or something like that. And you have to stay hydrated, keep a drink bottle on you at all times! xxx
try exercising as well. it helps some people.
oh... you were supposed to do that? I ignored it and continued being my normal self (with mood swings)
Tylenol.Lots of Tylenol.
eat....junk food....YouTube....ice cream.....lots of stuff
exercising and advil helps the cramps, so does a heating pad, eating junk food makes u feel better but with me it always comes back and gives me a bad stomach ach so dont go too crazy with the junk food, eat a lot of iron since u'll be losing it hope ur doing ok🙂 i'm here to talk its happened to me many times😂
well your period (if your a girl) is gonna practically kill you but heating pads junk etc help some people use medicine but mine ain't that bad to use medication good luck
‼️🛑 someone changed the password to the account❌