When I feel like contemplating life, I sit at the piano and play while doing it. It helps.


When I feel like contemplating life, I sit at the piano and play while doing it. It helps.

181 7
I would still date this person because yum lunchables
as long as it's not the weird ham sandwich lunchable
I hate those ones
my mom only gives the ham lunchables
like, no mom, I don't want fake cheese and crackers as my lunch
'is it the pizza lunchables' wow just wow
I'm so sorry you have to suffer through that excuse of a lunchable
when my mum buys those ones for me I eat the crackers and cheese and that's it
I let my brother eat the ham
she won't get the nachos or pizza one because "there's no benefit in that lunch" I'm like you might as well not have given me the crackers one.
these comments. my lord and savior help us😂😂😂
ooh, I like the nachos ones, those ones are good
I'm better off with a sandwich