I’m really tired after yesterday and decided not to go school today. I’ve slept in for four hours and still am exhausted. h
whatthehecc- pc updated and it feels rEally strange, ohlawd— I’m not gonna get used to this qwq


🌊Tap🌊 I’m really tired after yesterday and decided not to go school today. I’ve slept in for four hours and still am exhausted. h whatthehecc- pc updated and it feels rEally strange, ohlawd— I’m not gonna get used to this qwq

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beautiful!! luckyyy I had to go to school and I got like 4 hrs of sleep too :((
bahahah wow u must’ve slept rlly deeply😂lucky tho, my parents would literally shake my whole body
@caption: YESSSSSS This new update is so WEIRD I had to uninstall and reinstall the app because it was being a butttttttt