Just a drawing :/


Just a drawing :/

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thank you :)
* smiles back* it took blood tears and sweat to complete this XD
thanks m'love ;)
* blushes and kiss back*
I love you too
* sits and put soul on top of lap* heh...
* smiles and starts to blush*
( are you now facing me?)
( oh..it's your turn)
* blushes raps his arms around your waist*
* smiles nuzzling back*
I love you so so much more * kisses you*
* blushes still kissing you*
* does the same**still kissing you pulls you even closer*
* blush goes away he still wants to kiss you* * so he continues*
* then finally pulls back for kiss*
* smiles*.....
* rubs your back slowly*
I love you..
I love you most * smiles*
heh..heh..* tackles hugs back*
* then now he tickles you**
* continues to tickle you* heh..
nu I didn't I'm not stoping >:3 * still tickling you*
* snickers *cause you tickling him but still tickling you*
heh...I'll make your stomach hurt...you absolutely gonna have a bad time.. >:p
* get tired from tickling you he lays on his back*
good golly...my arms are tired...I'm bone tired...
* falls asleep*
* still sleep*
* quietly snores pulls you close to him*
* still asleep blushes a little in his sleep*
* still sleeping on*