Tell ne about you. How old are you, what‘s your Favoriten Animal … 
😘Love you 😘


Tell ne about you. How old are you, what‘s your Favoriten Animal … 😘Love you 😘

9 0
i m 14, my favourite animals are🐶,🐰,🐴and🦒 love you too sis 😘♥️
what do u look like
Tysm for following me!
I'm 13 and my favourite animals are horses and dogs.
What about you?
i‘m 11 years old And my Favorit Animal are 🐶and🐴
np ❤️😘😘
I’m not going to say my age. I’ll just say my fav animals are dogs and horses. I had a black lab mix but she died a couple of months ago😭 Snake bite😭😭😭😭 I also have a rabbit named Trixie❤️ I am doing my room rose gold and white❤️ Umm... I’m a holiness girl. I am a Christian😍😍😍 Umm that’s pretty much me!!!!
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