Life is a constant trial. It can make you cry and scream. However, it is important to fight no matter what. Y’all are fighters till the end. So fricking fight🙌🔥


🖤Tap🖤 Life is a constant trial. It can make you cry and scream. However, it is important to fight no matter what. Y’all are fighters till the end. So fricking fight🙌🔥

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Btw, do you all like this style? I was experimenting, and I want to hear your opinions on it😃♥️
Yeah, the style is pretty awesome! BTW, I love that song 😄
aww thank you girl!!’ love you!!
^Hi, Adam! Sorry, your remix is pending😞
I wrote stuff
Rip in peace 🙏😭
Science the subject is trash imo, because we learn about boring stuff like how things float and how you hear (not even the cool neurological aspect of it, just the workings of your ear itself), and I wanna learn about like quantum physics and genetics and neuroscience and black holes and wormholes and complex chemistry
Try filling the empty void with crack and memes of it
lmâo it's a joke..
let's start a petition for quantum physics to be taught in middle and high schools
that's actually kind of a bad idea heck
Nice 👌
Have you heard of quantum entanglement?
It's this really complicated thing, basically through some sort of weird quantum thing there can be two atoms, or particles, or something, I forget the specifics, but they're very small, and if they're quantum entangled then whatever happens to one thing happens to the other, kinda like when you're simplifying fractions and you have to divide the denominator by the same amount as the numerator, if my strange math analogy makes sense
And quantum scientists believe that this is how we will be able to teleport
In fact, I think in China they managed to teleport a small amount of information out somewhere into space with this method, I forget though. If you want actually reliable information I recommend just looking it up lol
The concept is fairly simple and easy to understand, but I guess because the actual mathematics and science behind it was only discovered recently and is super complicated, they don't think kids would be able to learn it, and also maybe they don't wanna teach us stuff that turns out not to be true once scientists find out more about quantum physics
Yeah, it's super cool. I wanna do more research on it but i don't have the attention span for that so maybe later
Thanks for asking, I wasn’t okay in the moment, but I feel like I’m in a decent mood now. I keep forgetting to take my anti depressants tho which is not helping my situation😑 How are you?
Aw sorry about that. Glad ur happy now tho
No problem and I’ll try😂 This is my 4th day I’ve forgotten, at least not in a row
I take them at night, right around 8
I did write a reminder on my hand this morning tho so I hope I won’t forget tonight. I’ll be going on a higher dosage in about a month after I meet with my doctor
They don’t work too well, but I am a little more focused and my emotions are a little more in control which is good
Yeah, that’s a positive way to look at it
My mom leaves so soon for her surgery. I think it’s either this week or next week
Thank you it means a lot
I'm watching the Big Bang theory I'm addicted l mao