Oops. /my life happened/


Oops. /my life happened/

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FOR ANYONE THAT CANT READ WHATEVER THE HECK I JUST WROTE: I feel like I don't have any friends. Everyone has their one friend group, and then there's me. I'm in multiple "friend" groups. But I'm not sure if I can call them friends anymore. I'm constantly told I don't have a life, I'm teased/bullied because I'm me, and no one bothers talking to me in the first place. They only do when they want help with something. They have their friends or are occupied with crushes/significant others. I feel lost. As for not having a life, they say that when I mention I haven't had _____ or I don't have Netflix or something else trivial. I'm "teased" (honestly I'm starting to think it's borderline bullying) because they think I like (if you know what I mean) all these people simply because they are of the opposite gender (they don't even know my sexuality, which is a whole other issue, even if I don't know it my self) and I talk to them. (I'm a girl btw). I talk to them and the guys don't mind. This one girl, she used to be my best friend I guess, doesn't talk about anything else except her crush which is really annoying. We were in a fight this year because. Well. She said somethings that really hurt me. And she tries to break it because she needs someone to talk to about her crush! She got mad at me when I said I didn't want to talk to her because. I was still upset. They talk behind my back, I know they do. Wow this is long and. Tbh this is only a little. Great. Anyways. I got upset because they thought I liked all those people and they kept insisting even though I told them to stop. (If you've made it this far, then I'm impressed. You haven't wanted to quit reading about my "pathetic excuse for a life". Yep. They said that. I'm sorry for bothering you with all this.) Well. They're just. Idk. I feel out of place all the time, and I haven't told my family cause. I already feel like I'm a failure. I have a perfect older sister and she's going through enough right now. My problems wouldn't even seem important to them. I know they wouldn't. I feel like my life is crumbling into a million pieces. I used to have good friends (until I had to switch schools because my parents wanted me to, despite my protests. They wouldn't listen to it. I know they wanted a better education for me [it is a better school education wise, but not people wise] but I hated having to leave everyone. They wouldn't even let me tell them I'd be switching schools.) But as I mentioned, I left that school. This one day, I saw an old friend of mine and in that moment, I felt happy for once. We talked and I felt like I wasn't breaking. But nothing good stays. Idk. I probably have desperation, no joke. I've taken online tests, the real ones, I've read countless articles and I seem to be having the symptoms. But maybe the worst part is, no one has even noticed. I mean. When I saw my old friend, I could tell he (yes, he. I tend to be friends with more guys cause. The girls I know tend to be. Well. Ugh. You know? Idk how to explain it.) realized something was different, but he just didn't want to say anything. (I don't blame him, it had been a few years since we last talked/seen each other. I just don't know how he could tell something was different and a bad different, but not anyone else. Idk. Maybe I'm over thinking it.) I haven't been myself and. The only thing keeping me going is that I don't want people to think things about me or have fake pity and whatnot. I don't know if you guys know the feeling. Anyways. Thanks if you bothered reading this far. (PS: I know my thoughts here are pretty scrambled. But. It's late and I feel sick. My parents haven't even noticed that either and they're sick along with my sister so. Yeah. Plus. I've handled being sick on my own before. [it's not the first time this has happened] anyways. I should get sleep but. Idk. Maybe.) (I'm not sure if any of this made sense. Oops. Sorry this is long, I just rant. Like. A lot. Cause I needed someplace to talk about this, just not somewhere anyone would know it was me I guess. Does that make sense? Probably not, just like the rest of this or my life. Haha. Oops. I'll just be going now...)
just. someone please help me. i don't know what to do anymore.
I know how you feel, it really helps with accounts like this because you can vent and rant your feelings that you have bottled up inside of you. your situation is the exact same as mine- I feel like I belong nowhere.
dude. same. I have no clue how to really help cause. idk. I'm stuck in the same place as you.
I can relate! It's tough trying to find your place among people. Belonging is an issue for me too, so I'm not sure how to help.
my love, I'm so sorry. I am kinda good at this stuff though so I will advise you to the best of my abilities (sorry I'm late I hope you see this). 1.It is okay to be in a lot of friend groups, it just means you have varied interests like me...the important thing is that they are good friend groups which leads me to 2.This is Definetly bullying and these people are not your friends, it will be hard to cut ties with them and make more but you are too beautiful and amazing for them (sidenote: if the blank is drugs/alcohol/cigarettes never do it it will ruin your life. Also, if you can muster up the courage you should really email or talk to the guidance counselor/principal about that matter and your troubles you posted here. I know guidance counsellors seem stupid and ignorant and bad, trust me, they save lives and it's really worth talking to them.) 3. Sèxuality (is that word still filtered?) is VERY confusing, and it is perfectly normal not to know yet. It's all about coming to terms and accepting yourself. If you can't find a label, that's cool too! I'm pretty knowledgeable about that stuff if you want help or anything (I'm pansèxual by the way). 4. I'm sorry your friends are so heteronormative (only think about straight situations), that is just the world we live in today. 5. She isn't a good friend. You shouldn't only be there to talk about her crush. Also if she said rude things and you tried talking to her about it before, I think you really have to cut ties as hard as it may be. 6. You are not a pathetic excuse for a life my dear. You are so strong to be getting through this horrible situation and I admire you for that. 7. Even if they don't care, it is better to give them the chance to care and be worried, because maybe you'll be surprised. Maybe you'll need to make your story sound worse (include self harm or something but please never self harm, you are amazing and strong and a warrior) but you need to do whatever you can to get help. 8.Im sorry you had to switch schools, I'm currently protesting to not switching schools and my opinion isn't getting through either, it's tough, idk what else to say. 9. I talked really in depth about depression on the post in cursive about depression, read that, it might help. 10. Take care of yourself, I hope you feel better soon. Feel free to message me back I'll always be here for you to support you.💗
sorry for the essay, I hope it helped though
I'm so sorry! But you are definitely NOT alone! Don't let other people's opinion determine your life . Do what you love and know that it's not their choice whether you are "cool" . Stay strong💪💕Also, if these friends are not encouraging you and really caring, then they don't deserve to be your friend! Everything happens for a reason❤️here to talk if you need it! xoxo
okay, so maybe I can help. I used to be sups introverted and out-of-place like this. I read during lunch, I was self-conscious about my weight, I didn't belong anywhere. at group projects I was stranded. I could sit at any table, and I would basically just be a ghost. but I didn't know me then. I wasn't sure what my favorite food was, even. or my favorite color. I didn't have a crush. but then I spoke out, randomly approaching people. chatting their ears off. introducing myself, casually. it really helped to be chill. I gradually became more extroverted and confident, and now I'm a "big giant...energy fuzzball. or something.", apparently. ANYWAYS. My point is, be yourself. if you don't know quite who that is yet, it's totally okay to take a few steps back and explore some. when you know who you are (remember, //screw labels//) go out there and force yourself to communicate with other people. the best thing anyone can do all their lives is communicate. communication is progress—whether you start with anon letters like this or presidential campaigns. have courage and discover, sweet. <3
god, that was long. shorter version: find yourself. be yourself. talk. best of luck! 💕
‼️🛑 someone changed the password to the account❌
Hiii hon, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. During times like this, it's important to remember that you are important, loved and born for a reason. You might not feel like it, but there's always people who care about you. As for the bullying, you should tell the people to stop, or you should tell a teacher/other trusted adult. If things get too much to handle, you should definitely tell a trusted adult, or maybe you can try online counselling, like thehopeline.com. I really hope that this helps, and im sorry if it didn't. Stay strong, I'm here if you ever need anyone to talk to❤😘✨