TROPlCAL here! so what are your summer memories for the 2nd event


TROPlCAL here! so what are your summer memories for the 2nd event

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So far I really enjoyed band camp an an amusement park.
I don't know how many we need but I also likes the beach and mountain biking
I went to the beach and was in a play
it doesn't say when this is do but we should get it done as soon as possible
BeingScarlet and I did most of the work last time so if you, Iluvsushi, or Brooklyn want to start I think you should go ahead
the you being TROPlCAL
yeah you're right. I still need to know their "summer memories"
Yeah. do they know the event is up?
I told them but they won't answer. we are running out of time😁
^^nevermind pic collage just remixed that it's due Friday
I think BeingScarlet's acc was deleted again😭
Yeah, BeingScarlets account was deleted again 😞 She made a new one though. Does -Brooklyn know of this account?
I'm feeling really uninspired right now. ideas anyone?