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that’s one nice name 👌
how are you? we haven’t talked in a while
I’m okay too. I just woke up 30 minutes ago so so far my day is going great!
now I feel tempted to bring back Mount BamBam..
it’s a work of art I know
*sniffle* h-hugs..?
XD wyd
*puts face in your shoulder and cries*
I-I shouldn't be as scared as I am...
oh no 😞
I have cramps but it's not time yet XD
it's chucking it down and we've just been walking around the streets all day
oOf you went back far
how are you 💕
ugh just because you wouldn't tell her anything?
I won't get sick of you and I believe you all the way, if you lie it's usually for privacy issues and shîz
just ignore her x