Hello! Ugh I'm at DI practice😞I usually like it, but this year it's like being slowly poisoned🙄Anyways I won't be on much today because me and my Girl Scout troop are spending the night at the Science Museum. Hope you're having a good day!


Hello! Ugh I'm at DI practice😞I usually like it, but this year it's like being slowly poisoned🙄Anyways I won't be on much today because me and my Girl Scout troop are spending the night at the Science Museum. Hope you're having a good day!

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bottom@post1@SummerSeedrian64: ...really
the bottom one tho😂, hope it gets better for u ✌🏽
*after reading the bottom one*.....heh...
thank youuuu❤️
tysm! UN1QUE did the editing, I did the quote & photo...she's really good!
wow... the bottom one... nice choice... heh. really... that's... not nice.
Sorry if I offended anybody with the bottom one💕