I have been very busy lately, so apologies for the delay. Because of my crazy schedule, I will not be including a "why you were eliminated" slide in the remixes. Expect round 2 later this weekend!


⭐️TAP HERE⭐️ I have been very busy lately, so apologies for the delay. Because of my crazy schedule, I will not be including a "why you were eliminated" slide in the remixes. Expect round 2 later this weekend!

27 3
question in the remixes
tysm honestly i’m so surprised i won and i’m really excited for the next round!!
good job everybodyyyy
Great job everyone, and congratulations!!
yes good job !! :)
congrats to the winner & good job to everybody 🫶
congrats to the winner! and to everyone! I’m so honoured to have participated in this competition! I’m looking forward to the next one! and hopefully I will improve! thank you so much! ~Carlota aka _ephemeral_
aww that’s sad but it’s okie lol😊
Sorry for the delay in posting round 2. My schedule has recently become very hectic so please be understanding. The contest will still go on, I just require a bit of patience. Have a great day!
that’s alright~
take your time :)
hey, so i changed my user from throneofdoom to fadedsunsets
Dw! your good! :D
yea it’s alright, take as much time as you need 💕