-lily from Dan_and_phil_lester 

I'm sorry but the alien emoji just feels kinda out of place at this point


-lily from Dan_and_phil_lester I'm sorry but the alien emoji just feels kinda out of place at this point

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honestly, if you ever need to talk feel free to message one of us if you don't want to be posted publicly
I honestly don't see why people freak out about trump because he's racist and sexist, just because Hillary wasn't that doesn't mean she was better😕okay I'm done rambling now😂😂
i think I might have just averted me from crisis
SAME! plus according to the constitution we have the power to over throw him so,,,,,,, if we get enough ppl it can happen
oh boy the memories - so im just gonna come out and say that i actually forgot the password for this account (even tho i made it how funny is that) but if anyone happens to venture on this page someday and wants to talk you can come find me! just comment on one of my posts on my account and ill get the noti to that 💞