Please enter! I am so excited to see what you guys will write!


Please enter! I am so excited to see what you guys will write!

61 4
what a fan fiction ( I'm ignorant)
I will try
omg....... I SUCK at writing😱
I will try but it will be awful😂😘👍
Sorry, I would enter but I'm currently writing one for my wattpad (I've been working on it for ages). So I don't wanna get mixed up😬 -my thoughts always get jumbled😂
Do we post it here on the remixes?
Is it okay if their short?
sorry I haven't joined yet, I've been thinking and writing drafts but they aren't turning out good. I'm sorry I'd love to enter but fanfic writing isn't my thing😁
I am sorry, but I can't participate, I actually haven't ever read Harry Potter. I don't like to read😬 Sorry
hope I'm not too late 🙂