I'm pretty late with the "here for you Taylor thing" cause i was on holidays and I wanted to wait till I come back and actually pour my heart into the edit❀️check commentsπŸ’œπŸ’œ


I'm pretty late with the "here for you Taylor thing" cause i was on holidays and I wanted to wait till I come back and actually pour my heart into the edit❀️check commentsπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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So yall know what happened to Taylor , and if for somewhat reason you don't long story short a guy basically sΓͺxΓ»allΓΏ assaulted her, first of all i hate the way some men they see women as objects that they can use for themselves LIKE NAH AH , my mam actually told me stories about when she was teenager that that was very common for men and guys to do , she herself had a few experiences like that 😠AND NOBODY STOOD UP FOR HER LIKE BRO IF I SAW SOMETHING LIKE THAT ON A BUS OR WHEREVER ID DO SOMETHING😀it's like losing your dignity like we have feelings people we aren't made for guys to grab are Γ’ssΓ«s or touch us ANYWHERE , this woman actually made a video of where she would go up to random guys and grab their Γ’Ε›Ε‘ their responses would be like "Ε΅th yôü dΓ΄iΕ„g" "I don't know you Ε΅th" or just the mad "Ε΅tf" and most of them like got all angryπŸ˜’ SO LIKE CAN MEN DO THAT TO WOMEN BUT WOMEN CANT DO THAT TO MEN? We all deserve respect not to be judged by our bodies eg. " *ah she looks fih Ima go up and grab da Γ’Ε‘Ε›πŸ˜*" not even caring about our personality and our feelings😠SO MANY GIRLS/WOMEN FALLEN INTO DEPRESSION BECAUSE OF SΓ‰XÛÂL ASSAULT OR EVEN COMMITTED SΓ›ΓŽCÏDΔ’ BUT DO THR ASSAULTERS CARE? DONT THINK SO😀 sorry for this long rant IM JUST MAD AND UGHHH I'm here for Taylor and every single sΓͺxΓ»allΓΏ assaulted person because nobody deserves such treatmentπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’—πŸ’œ
Amazing πŸπŸ’• ^^ so true.
^^^ I heard about this thank goodness things are going her way about it! But I have to say KDBVSISHGXXYDB MY MIND IS BLOWN BOO πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
ikr men just think woman are vulnerable and weak and won't fight back, but Taylor is just a nice person and trying to keep her reputation cool so she didn't what him up although if that was me I'd be like NOOO HONEY
hmmmm nahhh πŸ˜‚β€οΈβ€οΈ