Entry to *drum roll please* @N0NSENSICAL's contest! This is a serious question ok? Now, did you hear about what Trump said on Friday evening? If yes, what are your thoughts? If no, I'll explain in commentsπŸ‘Œ


Entry to *drum roll please* @N0NSENSICAL's contest! This is a serious question ok? Now, did you hear about what Trump said on Friday evening? If yes, what are your thoughts? If no, I'll explain in commentsπŸ‘Œ

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this is very beautiful by the way πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’―
Here's what happened: This video was released a couple years ago, a few months after Trump and Melania got married. Trump was guest starring on a TV show and was talking to the host while driving between studios. The mic was on and Trump didn't know it. They made some small talk and then they started talking about women. Now, I am pretty much quoting Trump, so I'm not lying. Trump said that he can get with any woman because he is a "star" Then, he went on about how he groped and f***ed a woman. That's sexual harassment. Now Trump was supposed to apologize but he JUST it was locker room talk. So then IS locker room talk sexual harassment? It's not ok. On a different note, I was watching CNN and there was a board of people talking. The woman who supports Trump started talking about Bill Clinton, and then another woman interjected. SHe said something that I thought was very true and something that you should know. She said, "Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton." You cannot judge people on their husbands. And you know what? Trump cheated on one of his past 3 wives. So yeah. Think about that.
@comment I saw the debate and it was nasty. I heard the mic audio which was absolutely disgusting. he lost a LOTTTTTT of supporters because of that :)
o my gosh! I didn't follow you😭😭😱😱
Omg I heard it in the news and I CRINGED REALLY HARD. Like I don't understand why someone would vote for this inappropriate man. Some supporters say we should forgive him, and we all make mistakes. NO. This was not a mistake. This was an inappropriate comment that hurt all women and all girls around the country. I will never forgive him or support him. Even though Hillary is also not that good, I will support Hillary, but not as strong.
well he said many things, what do you mean in particular? πŸ€”πŸ’•
nvm just scrolled up to see your comment. give me a few seconds to rant please 😊
okay, LET THAT WOMAN ON CNN PREACH!!! and I'm surprised I didn't see it, CNN is like always playing on my grandparents' TV πŸ˜‚. anyway, I think Trump's an buthole(I did spell this wrong on purpose) I think he has next to no respect for woman. he doesn't say sorry, and I'm so sick of it. as president, he should be able to know when he makes his own mistakes, and be able to apologize. he should have said sorry for what he said that day, and many others times, but instead refused too. even if it was "locker-room talk" I'm disgusted. I wouldn't want to be talked about like that, I don't think any female does. He should stop treating and talking about woman like they're trophies, and start to treat and talk to/about them like human beings. He just got married too, like WHYYYYY?! 😑 I'm so mad I'm probably repeating myself. oh and that thing with the tic-tacs πŸ˜’. like no, excuse yourself Mr. Trump. I think the lady was married too, like she's married, he's married. JUST STOP!!! Sexual Harassment isn't a joke, it should never be taken as a joke. (finished eight minutes later πŸ˜‚, this is fantastic btwπŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ’•)
@caption everyone in the rest of the world laughs at YouTube videos of trump and shakes their head. there are literally segments of TV shows dedicated to trumps embarrassing moments
I think Donald trump should hibernate for a long time πŸ™„πŸ˜‚
Amazing collage, btw πŸ˜ŒπŸ’•
love this quote β€οΈπŸ™Œ
oh good one😊
@caption eww. who would want him as a president.
I love this! @caption: no, I wouldn't. he's so innappropiate, so rude, and has lousy apologies! for crying out loud, he talked about how he had s** with a Woman andhow because he's famous they'll let him "do whatever he wants" like seriously?!? and locker room talk? that is not something you talk about in a locker room much less on a talk show. It's unbelievable how rude and disturbing he is and imagine him being a president! if he gets off on the wrong foot with a country because of a rude comment, think about how much that would effect our country and our economy. and he's an extremely bad influence! if all of this happens imagine how nation will be effected😰😰
1)this collage is amazing and 2) I couldn't believe he said that which is another reason why I hate him and that woman on CNN PREACH!!!
like what is wrong with that guy why would he do these things I hope he doesn't become president a lot of things he says isn't right and he disgusts me
@comment: I didn't see the debate, but I did hear about it from kids at school. Honestly, everything's all messed up. But yeah, that's typical Trump for you. And yeah, you're right. Someone's relative (husband, wife, sister, brother, mother, father, etc) doesn't describe who an individual is. πŸƒ
@caption to be honest, we all saw this coming. ever since the BEING of the president race, I have disliked all of the candidates. sorry but I think we should just let Obama do what he does. even though no ones perfect, and all presidents have flaws, some are just meant to be and some aren't meant to be
this is amazing!! so intricate. and as for the Trump thing, yeah, that guy has very scrΓ©wed up morals and is completely and utterly sexist. That comment about being so rich he can get a girl to do "anything he wants"is just disgusting. Its a scary that that man and his twisted morals could actually be ruling one of the biggest countries today, and the fact that he has gone this far and people are actuallly considering voting for him is just as scary.
really great collage feature pieceπŸ’–
thanks ❀️
this is lovely way better than anything WonderOreo makes
this is really pretty! so much better than my entry ❀️
are you sure? ❀️I still love yours
contest on my page if you wanna do itπŸ’•
that made me ****ing cry NOT!!!!!!
just incredible
love it!!!!!!!!
hey sporty_puppy this is your fanpage πŸ’• I have a main...but that's not the point, I want to make this account for you. I will be active on this so you can expect posts from me 😁 I just want to say you are an inspiration
and you deserve this. I mean come on, have you seen the collages you make? they are perfection ❀️
WOW. you are just so perfect! why are you so super good? it's magicπŸ’₯❀️
sporty puppy, I'm sorry to ask but can you make me an icon?