I finished the song and uploaded it, if you want to listen the link is in my bio. I’m so nervous with this one if my family sees it 😬 but usually no one does unless I post to FB


I finished the song and uploaded it, if you want to listen the link is in my bio. I’m so nervous with this one if my family sees it 😬 but usually no one does unless I post to FB

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not immediate family, I mean extended. or Tristin’s extended family. all the immediate know the tea 🍵🐸
I can’t wait to get home and listen to this
I listened and it’s beautiful!!! I love it so much your voice is gorgeous 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
just listened and it’s so beautiful !! love every little bit abt it❤️
No problem 🥺🥺💗 it’s gorgeous
I am SPEECHLESS! That’s a masterpiece!
yAll my cousin called about something unrelated to the song but I got so scared for a min (she’s Tristin’s cousin technically but she’s one of my besties and was my maid of honor). turns out she just needed to know about car insurance stuff 😪
imagine this is the one song tristin decides to listen to
ofc ❤️
it’s so beautiful and your voice is amazing